Daily review 12/08/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 12th, 2021 - 10 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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10 comments on “Daily review 12/08/2021 ”

  1. Fireblade 1

    I had my second Covid vaccine this afternoon. The process was very efficient and took about 35 minutes total. I have a fear of needles, but I could barely feel it going in. Got the credit card sized proof of vaccination card laminated at Warehouse Stationery (cost $2).

    • I Feel Love 1.1

      Nice one FB. I get my first next week, & my anti vax gf (sigh) has decided to get hers too (thank fuk).

    • Anne 1.2

      Hi Fireblade.

      Its a pleasant experience isn't it. Hugely helpful staff who go out of their way to be friendly and reassuring.

      I am more than happy if vaccination passports are eventually introduced. I see no difference to an ordinary passport. They would provide security of travel both for the individual as well as those around them and could be used internally as well. Given the dangerous variants that are evolving I see it as an important step sometime in the near future . It might mean the occasional booster injection but if it is going to keep all of us safer then its a no-brainer.

    • Drowsy M. Kram 1.3

      Thanks Fireblade for the idea of laminating your Covid-19 vaccination card – will do the same. Agree re process: very efficient and pleasant staff – probably helps that they know they're doing good work for the team of five million.

      If you are aged 55 or over, or you are in Groups 1, 2, or 3, you can book your vaccinations now. Bookings for people aged 50 and over will open on 13 August.


    • Koff 2.1

      Perhaps the govt could request that dairy farmers replace their herds by 'farming' billionaires? Say, 1 billionaire to 1,000 cows. That would eliminate methane emissions, reduce pollution of waterways significantly and give billionaires a bolthole while they pay their 'farmers' what they would have earned from their cows.

    • AB 2.2

      How much C02 and methane do they emit? I imagine both of these are quite high because they spout self-aggrandising shite all the time.

      • pat 2.2.1

        I imagine their emissions are directly related to the number of private jets, super yachts and space jaunts they take.