Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, August 15th, 2024 - 36 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
The long arm of USA Justice still reaching out fo dot com
… as you would expect the CoC has crawled so far up the arse of the yanks you can only see Goldsmith's shoes. Anything to please.
They've missed out on Assange so K Dcom will do. I hope his appeal is successful.
A media report, assumed to be accurate (because of their character and form) is confirmed later in the day.
Punching down is who the they are.
This is indeed correct and this has deeply disappointed us all in the community.
Some of us are considering taking legal action against the government, some are going to write articles, some are going to phonebank and we are either organising or intent on going to protests.
Whatever is happening, we are not going quietly into the night.
Nothing about us without us.
Has anyone considered a discrimination case?
As per the rate of disability benefit being lower than the rate paid for super?
And these other differences – given no difference between age and infirmity in a lack of (or degree of difficulty) ability to work.
To the best of my knowledge, nobody is considering a discrimination case on the basis of these questions you are raising (though these are great questions and definitely worth raising) however, there's a legal case underway against the state regarding the funding cuts made by Whaikaha in 18 March of this year as spearheaded by Auckland Disability Law and Disabled People Against Cuts which likely will mean a High Court challenge against the state.
In my opinion, it'll either change direction or be suspended. Nevertheless, the case as it stood, was a necessary one.
I hope we get to take the fight to the people who have caused such distress to us disabled people though in a truly effective manner.
"Has anyone considered a discrimination case?"
Damn good idea. It should be on a plural basis. I think there would be plenty of people who would contribute money-wise. As an elderly person who has developed disability issues I would certainly want to help.
Any case that is brought should include how much the Atlas neoliberal fascist movement is influencing this government to the detriment of the nation.
I support a discrimination case too in addition to the current legal action case I mentioned.
We need a better deal when it comes to the welfare and support system(s) and it sure ain't our current deal.
It's definitely overdue.
"Nothing about us without us"
That is how they are operating. "Without us" I agree Rolling on Gravel.
Run an enquiry, interpret the findings to suit their aims, implement without consultation or consideration.
If all the disabled and their carers and whanau turned up to protest outside every MSD it might bring home the enormity of this.
How many disabled could be helped by that $168000 for one Act Party Spin Doctor for the Ministry of Regulations.??????
That would be true 🙂
Come on Rolling-on-Gravel not everyone is unhappy about this. The ministry is not what we all asked for as a community.
What we asked for was clear over site of disability services and delivery. And for disabled to have a control of this over site. None of this happened with the vanity piece which was the new ministry.
We can't even agree on the name. I loath the word Whaikaha, and don't know any disabled people who were not state employed who were consulted on the name. Not bloody one.
The ministry was a dog from the start, that handing of power to service delivery companies and parents of disabled. Rather than disabled themselves. And they wonder why the got into financial trouble. Two groups disabled fight with their whole lives – groups which think they know best – and have been proven over and over again, how wrong they are.
The ministry's constant promotion of the neoliberal wet dream of total commodification of disabled via enabling good lives – still makes me grind my teeth. Look these Tory pricks are going to carry on with this one no matter what.
There were many sins of the ministry in my humble opinion, such as: the out and out suppression of Whānau Ora in relation to disabled, the crushing of disabled leadership, stripping disabled of over site, few disabled in positions of change makers. All talk to an organisation out of touch with disabled.
So don't waste money making some able boded lawyers rich. Fight this horseshit of a government on a broader front to empower disabled. And lets get the Disable led over site we so desperately need.
More staff cuts
What do those who administer the government's programme have to say to keep their jobs. This lie.
They know they will not be able to deliver easier or faster access.
As for that
At the administrative level
Luxon's off to Aussie on the pretext of learning how to deliver infrastructure. It's clear the CoC haven't got a clue, so perhaps it's a good idea.
Best he talks to Tony at the Nation Building Authority.
Off to Aussie….put his talking "simple" into practice no doubt…..
What plane is he flying in this time? When was it last serviced?
Luxon thinks that the politics needed to be taken out of infrastructure.
There’s an easy solution: disband the National Party and form the Landlord Party.
What a hypocritical @#$@#stain.
Killed 3 Waters. Stopped hospital construction. Stopped Kainga Ora. Canned the Cook Strait ferries.
He speaks with forked tongue.
Lots of ppp toll rds in oz !!
Aussie builds a hell of a lot more stuff than roads.
Roads are the only thing NACT cares about. One upon a time they used to Think Big.
Well done Mountain Tui for giving this more exposure. It's trending #1 on NZ twitter. Will be interesting to see how the MSM responds. Will they continue to publish these false polls and give "independent pundits" David Farrar and Jordan Williams a platform?
NACT liars better think up another distraction
Heh! NZ MSM (Mainstream Media) should refuse to publish Curia’s polls from now on.
Oh what a joyful day would that be!
I genuinely despise the psychological-political torment the use of such terribly misinforming polls that the media uses as a cudgel against us in to artificially depress turn-out & morale when it comes to truly transformative politics then it destroys our momentum when we most need it for truly positive and needed change and artificially increases turn-out & morale when it comes to truly regressive politics and preserves the frenzy as we really did not want nor need such revanchism.
It would be such sweet balm to see the media & journalism finally being able to become their true forms which are the fourth estate where they bear in one hand the flaming sword of truth & hold up the nourishing bowl of information in another hand, which means that they are supposed to be amongst the bulwarks of our agora of democracy and thus contributing more meaningfully to our ongoing korero…
Poetic prose appreciated. Would prefer your comments in the MSM over the chorus of tabloid stenographers regurgitating Atlas talking points.
I made a comment on this the other day.
Farrar is now apparently self-regulating, with the utmost transparency of course! RANZ might not have been an organisation with binding regulatory power but at least they could smell a rat. I'm happy they bared enough teeth to frighten PDF.
MT guesses wisely the Farrar and Williams will use shadowy RW funding to set up their own industry organisation with a thin veneer of respectability and integrity. I imagine the attacks on RANZ and its members will begin to flow freely once that is done.
The precedent for throwing toys out of the cot and withdrawing from industry organisations is so on brand for these guys and reminds us of the withdrawal of several councils from LGNZ after lobbying pressure from anti-environment RW groups.
PS, I was criticised for questioning the integrity of David Farrar and Curia earlier this year, those critics claiming it’s not possible for a pollster to act fraudulently, even a politically partisan pollster.
I guess those critics were plain wrong.
Curia and DPF are still listed on RANZ’s website.
Probably paid his subs to the end of the month, or year.
Ah, yes, good point. Perhaps RANZ should add a (foot) note to make things clear and avoid confusion of my AI bot.
Far from being the only website that isn't regularly kept up to date.
CLuxon has
Such a limited appreciation of the issue.
Interoperability does not have to occur as an appendage of AUKUS – a name describing three nations and for one specific purpose (enabling Oz to have nuclear powered submarines).
The term military alliance is itself indicative of a limited concept of co-operation. What is being called Pillar 2 is about a more wide-ranging technology agreement than just military weaponry or tech used by the military.
Pillar 2 within AUKUS is an artifice to create a semblance of military alliance, where one does not exist.
In our case because of our exclusion from ANZUS over not allowing either nuclear power ship visits, or ships operating under neither confirm nor deny presence of nuclear weapons.
The case for a technology agreement between democratic nations is sound, but is not about regional security – but a global supply chain (separate from China).
We just dropped in on Liz Truss’s pro-Trump speaking tour with a remote-controlled lettuce banner. She didn’t find it funny.
That lettuce never gets old.
CLuxon in Oz
One becoming more active as a security partner
Which takes back onto the partisan foreign policy path.
This will have consequences for those who dissent, as it did in the days of the Cold War – more Kiwis will be spied on (and given modern tech victims of PWO). Civil liberties will be compromised on the grounds of security (and serve the interests of the political right and corporate capitalism).
Two closer ties with Oz
Luxon outlined his ambitions for the relationship between New Zealand and Australia.
There has been the adoption of the Oz 2000 GE standard but as yet no effort to match Oz salaries in areas where one labour market operates (health etc). Or in taxation – CGT, land tax and stamp duty.
How odd. Just 10 days ago his own government pulled out of a joint trans-Tasman standard on food. Dairy farming lobbyist turned minister opted to keep promoting and advertising infant formula like alcohol.
As usual with egg-head, says a lot of words which don't mean anything.
Yet another article questioning the budget of HPSNZ. While the IOC don't pay prize money, the IAAF have introduced financial rewards for the first time. High jump gold medalist Hamish Kerr received USD50,000 from them. Would not be surprised if Nicola Willis subtracted that from his pay next year…
The year is 2024 and NATO equipped forces are distributing humanitarian aid in Russian towns.