Daily review 16/12/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 16th, 2024 - 8 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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8 comments on “Daily review 16/12/2024 ”

  1. Muttonbird 1

    That deterioration is largely due to a lower tax take, with economic growth being weaker than previously forecast.

    GDP data on Thursday is expected to show we are back in recession. Economists are picking that the economy shrank by about 0.4% in the third quarter, following a 0.2% contraction in the second quarter.

    This is entirely the fault of Nicole Willis and Chris Luxton. They alone are responsible for this hard landing and mismanaged economy. It's the result of their misguided program of austerity and mass layoffs as an ideological, knee jerk reaction. The private sector followed the public sector and here we are with an economy in the ditch.

    Willis attacked Treasury for previous forecasts this evening on Brian Ridge's ZB show but Treasury can't account for idiotic finance ministers and PMs, can it?


    • Muttonbird 1.1

      The elephant in the room is the chorus of public and private sector economists flagging concerns over the sustainability of the track the Government’s finances are on.

      “Ongoing pressure on health and superannuation spending from an aging population, pressure on infrastructure from climate change and past underinvestment, and rising debt-servicing costs as higher Government bond yields meet the last Government’s debt-funded spending spree are all major challenges waiting for us down the road,” ANZ senior economist Miles Workman said.

      “One could argue that if the Government is unable or unwilling to significantly reduce spending in order to get the books back into shape before the next crisis comes along (and there are good reasons not to cut spending too aggressively), then it would be appropriate to consider revenue initiatives that would help get the books on a more sustainable path.

      “While that might make sense from an economic standpoint, politics do tend to get in the way.”

      Even Bank economists are now advocating a CGT or wealth tax, but "politics do tend to get in the way".

      Willis has already destroyed the Wellington economy and is now setting her sights on the rest of the country.


  2. Muttonbird 2

    I guess our idiot finance minister didn't like her expert panel, because she ignored what they recommended, and has now replaced them with another expert panel, and a show pony minister.

    Stuff has obtained a leaked report authored by the government’s expert ministerial advisory group which warns the Aratere ferry should be retired next year to accommodate new wharf construction at Picton.

    The report shows that ministers missed the recommended July decision deadline and contains a list of ferry replacement options with the cheapest coming in at $282 million per ship.

    The report obtained by Stuff was written mid-June and shows ministers missed the recommended July decision deadline, along with the recommended October contract deadline, and its estimated delivery date is at least a year later than its expert group advised was possible.


  3. Muttonbird 3

    Which Kiwiblogger/ACT voter was this, David Farrar himself?

    The report said a European man aged around 50 or 60 years old started yelling racial slurs and “words of harassment” at Ngarewa-Packer on Sunday evening.

    The report said the man came into the store because he had seen her branded Te Pāti Māori car parked outside, leading the party to allege it was a premeditated and “staged attack”.

    It said that during his yelling, he insinuated that there was more “coming for her”. That was a threat, the party said, which police and Parliamentary Service should respond to.


    • Muttonbird 4.1

      Wondered how long it would take before this 1995 incident was weaponised against any and every transgender person since and forward.

      NZME article posted at 6:04 pm. Attack on transgender people at 9:22pm, so 3 hours and 18 minutes.

      • Visubversa 4.1.1

        Lying about the sex of a dangerous predator- jailed for the most male of violent crimes, is the absolute antithesis of good journalism. The Herald also said that Toko Shane (Ashley) Winter was a woman and showered him with female pronouns all the way through his trial, conviction and sentencing for the sadistic torture and murder of a very vulnerable young woman. Fortunately, by the time of his unsuccessful appeal they had started to tell the truth and Mr Winter remains in Paremoremo prison as he deserves.

  4. Muttonbird 5

    Interesting that in Wanganui at least, homeless people are no longer considered part of society:

    ‘Significant risk to the public’: Homeless given two days to leave camping site
