Daily review 17/01/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, January 17th, 2022 - 44 comments
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44 comments on “Daily review 17/01/2022 ”

  1. bwaghorn 1


    I think a prefer Ms Wells facts as opposed to the fringe nut bars reckons.

    • Dennis Frank 1.1

      Okay, that's reassuring. Provided the data compilation is trustworthy! The immune systems of the kids will evolve to cope with covid to some extent. Tough luck for the small percentage who suffer but they will survive.

  2. Dennis Frank 2

    The arrival of a new offshore drilling rig in New Zealand, a year after the country declared a climate emergency, has prompted a fresh wave of anger at the government’s alleged “hypocrisy” and “cynical politics” on climate change. Keeping fossil fuels in the ground was the most basic element of tackling climate change, Greenpeace said, while #SchoolStrike4Climate movement activist Sophie Handford said allowing more oil and gas extraction was “immoral”.


    You can imagine the reaction from the Labour caucus: chanting in unison "Drill, baby, drill" then fist-pumping the air. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drill,_baby,_drill]

    Here's a couple of clues to the excuses Labour will use to try to fob off the younger generations:

    The new offshore drilling rig, run by oil and gas company OMV, will operate under a permit predating the ban. It will be transported to the mature Māui B gas field off the coast of Taranaki in the coming days, where it will complete “development drilling”. In a statement, OMV said the rig would help redevelop the Māui B field and that, “Natural gas is a vital part of the energy mix and a key bridge in the transition to renewable energy sources.”

    • Dennis Frank 2.1

      Emily Bailey, a spokesperson for Climate Justice Taranaki, said: “A lot of us are just so sick of this [drilling] … It just props up this crazy economy which is driving us to extinction.” Bailey believed the rig’s arrival showed the government’s climate policy was “weak and insufficient”.

      To which the govt would respond, "hey, we're Labour – weak & insufficient is our proud tradition" and wonder why the kids are getting so stroppy.

    • Dennis Frank 2.2

      It's almost as if people expect Labour to practise what they preach. Why on earth would anyone be that unrealistic??

      In November, a group of law students filed a lawsuit in Wellington’s high court against Megan Woods, the minister of energy, after she approved two new onshore oil and gas exploration permits, alleging the decision was inconsistent with the government’s legal obligations under the country’s Zero Carbon Act and the Paris agreement and that she failed to consider key facts such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent warnings about climate change’s severity. Woods has previously declined to comment on the matter in any substance because it is before the courts.

      Asked about the rig’s arrival, Rilke Comer, a leader of the Students for Climate Solutions group, said, “It just feels like the government doesn’t care about safeguarding our future … On a deep, emotional level, this is really visceral and gutting.”

      • pat 2.2.1

        Time for all to accept that the required decarbonising is quite simply not going to happen.

        we can blame politicians, vested interests et al but the fact remains the overwhelming majority of citizens are not prepared to make the required changes.

        We will of course be forced to in the not too distant future, but all too late.

    • Puckish Rogue 2.3

      Its almost as if Labour used to represent blue collar, working class kiwis, crazy eh

      On a completely different subject I wonder how the planning for Arderns wedding at the billionaires property is going

      • Patricia Bremner 2.3.1

        Don’t worry, unless you are invited.

      • Gezza 2.3.2

        Quietly, I would think. They don’t want it to be a large public affair. They’ve indicated their ideal is just for friends and family. That’s why the date hasn’t even been announced publicly, I expect.

        • Anne

          Its supposed to be soon. Maybe Auckland’s Anniversary weekend .

          I'm sure it was the up and coming nuptials that prompted the storm in a tea cup over his mistaken advice to a bunch of musicians who contacted him from a chemist shop. An attempt to take some of the gloss off the anticipated wedding by a coterie of Labour government haters.

          • Puckish Rogue

            Pretty sure it was the idea that he was using his position to circumvent the rules for his friends

            • Anne

              He made a genuine mistake and owned up to it. He is deserving of credit for doing so. I'm sure when you make a mistake you own up to it too Puck.

            • Blazer

              Didn't they set him up?

              • Anne

                It looks like someone set him up somewhere along the line which will be why both Clarke and Jacinda are refusing to comment.

                Clarke will have to learn to be less available. Sad for him, but having been on the end of a set-up years ago which had serious consequences for me, I can vouch for there being true evil in this country.

              • Puckish Rogue

    • weston 2.4

      Fact remains we burn a lot of gas dennis most people i know cook on it exclusively an wouldnt have it any other way if you think cc activists are making a fuss wait till someone sayes sorry folks you cant use it anymore !Shit tonnes of people are gonna be upset very upset .Think of all the hosp crowd all of whom use gas far as i know and would argue ferociously they cant do without it .Coal has got a dirty name and thanks to that effect closing down this countrys coal mines or phasing them out we are importing huge quantities of really dirty coal from indonesia .Are we gonna import gas too and will that be alright ?

      • Dennis Frank 2.4.1

        I use natural gas for hot water in bathroom/shower & laundry here at home in NP. It's a good system, easy to use & cheap. I'm more of a pragmatic Greenie than a purist. However I do empathise with the younger generations & feel it is unwise of Labour to alienate them.

        I do agree with you re importing coal from Indonesia – a totally fucking ridiculous idea but understand why the govt is spooked by the prospect of energy companies hiking prices – they are captive to market thinking. Got no guts, some would say.

    • millsy 2.5

      I'm picking the off shore drilling ban will be quietly dropped.

      It was only symbolic in any case.

  3. Peter 3

    According to his lawyer Brian Tamaki believes in the "value of the rule of law."

    But he doesn't think if the judge gives him bail and as a condition tells him to not do something, he should follow the directive. Of the rule of law.

    Oh, I get it, his feelings are limited to valuing the rule of law not actually acting in ways to show that.

  4. observer 4

    Those fake freedom-lovers were out today, hassling people who were exercising freedom of choice. Eye-witness accounts of their behaviour at various vaccination centres, including Auckland's North Shore:


  5. Patricia Bremner 5

    devil They are desperate.

    • Dennis Frank 6.1

      Funny eh? Silly old Ken Ring. Probably thinks the tv pics of the volcano exploding are file footage from a different volcano. Dunno how he'd dismiss the satellite shots though. We haven't seen anything like that before!

      • Gezza 6.1.1

        Ken's still around eh? Still flogging his worthless weather forecasts based on weather office data from years ago & the theory the weather will be replicated exactly after 11 years or something, but supposedly influenced by the moon and planetary alignments, and no doubt still forecasting earthquakes supposedly triggered by the moon's movements in such broad and general terms they're completely useless. But even a broken clock's right twice a day, so every now and then an earthquake happens somewhere in the world and he claims to have predicted it.

        He's been waffling on for years that tsunamis will never hit NZ. Reality doesn't stop Ken from talking crap.

        Those tsunami waves hit the US coast. They were on their news. Al Jazeera spent quite a lot of time in their tv news reporting on the volcano and tsunamis rolling up – including footage of the waves coming inshore in Peru and Chile.

        • Dennis Frank

          Yeah I saw a report of the tsunami drowning a couple of people when it hit Peru – even though it was quite low by then. And saw pics of boats trashed in Japan just like in Tutukaka marina.

          I recall checking out the ole duffer's book once & finding it totally implausible – even though I'm open to that kind of thinking! 🙄

    • observer 6.2

      "did not even make the world news"

      It's amazing how many conspiracy crazies seem to think that nobody else ever has access to the internet. Armed with super sleuthing skills, we can even track down the mysterious "world news".

    • Peter 6.3

      On the evidence on here Ring is a fucken idiot.

      Photos of Tutukaka only showed the damaged ones not the ones not damaged?

      Not all the houses in districts where there are big fires get burnt down. Selective photos are used showing the destroyed and damaged ones.

      The tornado on tv tonight only showed caravans smashed not houses that escaped.

      Two guys were shot in a warehouse in Orlando, Miami a couple of days back. The coverage was all about the shot not all those who weren't.

      All that media aboard the propaganda merry-go-round eh Ken?

  6. Koff 8

    99% of the world's population got poorer during the last 2 years of the pandemic, but the world's billionaires doubled their wealth…..these statistics are shocking if not entirely unexpected. Perhaps the right wing trolls that come to frequent this site from time to time could explain just why they might justify this..


    Some quotes from the article…

    "Globally, the world's 10 richest men have more than doubled their fortunes to $1.9 trillion, at a rate of $1.6 billion a day.

    "We have a situation where 10 men hold more wealth than that of two-thirds of humanity," Lyn Morgain, chief executive of Oxfam Australia, told ABC's RN program.

    "Not only that, but that bottom 40 per cent are hanging on by a thread."

    The report highlights what the charity says are "unprecedented" levels of global inequality as COVID-19 sharpens the divide between the "haves and have nots".

    Oxfam proposes a wealth tax. How could any sane person disagree?

    • Puckish Rogue 8.1

      I vote National (mostly) but this is no surprise when governments shut down most businesses but allow big supermarkets to remain open and also encouraging people to order online

      Labour in NZ, Democrats in the USA

      • adam 8.1.1

        Muddled response their Pucky. You saying you support the 10 men getting fatter whilst the poor starve because you vote national. Or are you saying it's better to worship the rich than moan about the fact they just go richer at everyone's expense? Or you just don't give a rats, and want to promote you main man national – because your just that way inclined?

        That said, still a completely muddled response from you, up your game buddy – it's like after crusher crushed herself, you have gone off the boil.