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- Date published:
5:30 pm, March 17th, 2022 - 29 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Fictional Ukraine comedy show about a pretend President. Apparently some oligarchs bought the rights , lock stock and smoking offshore tax havens
Not what the Revolution of Dignity was meant to be about
And now for a little bit of culture. I do realise this site's predominantly male audience will not be enchanted with the news but I'm sure there are some who will enjoy the beauty of someone at the top pinnacle of her profession.
Olga Smirnova, the prima ballerina of the most famous ballet company, the Bolshoi Ballet has fled Russia and is now in the West (the Netherlands) because of the war in Ukraine. She has been joined by a number of other top rated dancers.
She is, imo, the greatest ballerina in the world today and maybe the greatest ballerina of all time. She is Russia's loss and the West's gain. Here she is as Odile in Swan Lake:
Welcome to the West Olga Smirnova. I hope your time with us is long and fruitful.
Ps: there seems to be a few hitches. Just click again and it should come right.
Thank you Anne.
Thank you she is gorgeous and characterful.
I think she outshines her partner, is it Jacopo Tissi?
I learned ballet up to age 14. Loved it. Collected lots of pics and made all sorts of things from them like jigsaw puzzles, mounted on cardboard. When a small girl I thought I would be a ballerina when I grew up…..it was quite a pang when I turned 40, realised I was grown up and I would never be a ballerina!
I was talented but my parents couldn't afford ballet classes. One day a teacher from the Royal Ballet School in London – presumably scouting for talent – saw me dance at secondary school and told the Phys Ed teacher it was a shame I was not taught ballet from an early age because she was sure I would have made it into the Royal Ballet. Its one of those professions where they have to catch you very young – something to do with the way the bones develop. My poor old English mum never stopped being mortified they had not "found the money from somewhere".
Yes, it is Jacopo Tissi and he has also fled Russia and is now somewhere in Europe.
Cheers Anne. She is brilliant.
Meanwhile over at the European casino EFET (the european federation of energy traders) are asking governments and central banks for increased liquidity (read money) to meet margin calls on gambling losses.
Israel makes apartheid official policy by making a racist law permanent.
[link fixed]
Same Shit Different Day
Forgotten now but Israel too had its own military involved in civilian airliner shootdown
@ SPC (5) … Evil.
Latest Curia / Taxpayers Union Poll (March 2022):
To be honest doesnt make any statistical sense for ACT and Greens numbers to be so widely variant from Kantar last week and for both to jump 6% each in month from Curias numbers last month.
Tells me the polls are all over the place because people are confused. They hear one side then they hear the other side and there's all this Covid stuff and a war as well and they no longer know who to believe so they opt for the two parties on either side, Greens and ACT.
Labour ignores the disinformation and the scurrilous rumours at their own peril.
Or it says the country is getting more divided; moving away from the dismal centre and into the opposing camps of 'forced fairness' vs 'team of the winners, screw the losers'.
Not a change of almost doubling in a month. Im not referring to where support lies with the major or minor parties but such a rapid change in statistical terms
Its discredits the polling company to have extreme changes
Floods in March, bullshit forecast in April and elections in May. Oz in review.
love it
Yay, the first Juice Media vid. for ages. Plenty to satirise, mostly fucking depressing. Next Oz federal election seems to be going Labor's way, mainly because of the fuck ups by the Coalition, but Oz Labor is about as excitingly progressive as NZ Labour – not! Just better than the incumbents!
As it seems to be these days – no real choice, just the lesser of two 'evils!'
Some other bloke wanted to cleanse society.
Really hoping this is hyperbole – and the message tailored to the school audience.
Because, whether or not you support teaching NZ history in schools – it's hard to argue that it's one of the most important issues faced by schools in NZ.
With achievement standards in Maths, Science and Reading, continuing their downwards slide (data from 2018 – don't think it's been updated – but results almost certainly worse after the Covid school lockdowns) – there are truly important educational bedrock issues to be sorted out.
And it's certainly not ranking up there with the major issues facing NZ society, either.
This kind of fluffy puff piece, wasting Jacinda's star power on a minor issue, does Labour no favours.
Don't know enough about the science to know if this is sufficiently accurate – but I really like this idea: testing at your local pharmacy to see what your own, personal, level of immunity to Covid actually is.
With the level of asymptomatic Covid cases around, lots of people are 'assuming' that they've had it (especially if they've been in contact), and not going ahead with boosters (because not recommended for 3 months after Covid infection).
Silly price, though. But would like to see this at my GP, for example, as part of the annual base-line blood tests.
PBS FRONTLINE documentary “Putin’s Road to War”.
“Susan Glasser is a columnist and staff writer at The New Yorker. She previously served as editor of Politico and editor-in-chief of Foreign Policy magazine. She spent four years as a Moscow bureau chief for The Washington Post and is the co-author, with Peter Baker, of "Kremlin Rising: Vladimir Putin’s Russia and the End of Revolution."