Daily review 17/07/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 17th, 2024 - 10 comments
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10 comments on “Daily review 17/07/2024 ”

  1. adam 1

    Thank God for John Stewart.

  2. aj 2

    Multipolarity: The Post Post-Cold War. The Fact The West Can't Stop (Although It Is Trying)

    I already knew about the casino nature of global currency speculation but the figures are mind-blowing. This video (and Part 1) is very interesting, this is a short transcript of parts of the first 20 mins or so as they discuss the movement of currency around the world compared to actual trade needs.

    To comment on what Kathleen described in terms of the the volume of financial paper being traded, maybe 100 times more than the real economic needs of the world population and reaction to that, that's the core of the crisis we have today, we have a a failing bankrupt financial and Banking and economic system in the west which is going down, and we have a rising economic system spearheaded by China. But not only China, but most of South East Asia India, now Russia and even the Arab countries and Africa.

    This dichotomy, this imbalance in the world is the source of a lot of the prices we have today. This money which is circulating in the financial markets just hot air, it should be all written off, because this is the casino this is not reality.

    Reality is what China and the others are doing they're focused on using money as a tool political tool for physical economic social and cultural development. We are not doing that.
    Since the financial crisis in 2008 through quantitive easing, the the Federal Reserve, the bank of England, the EU bank, and the Japanese Japan bank produced more than 424 trillion dollar and where did that go? it did not go to infrastructure, it went to speculators and gamblers.

    China since 2008 also produced around 14 to 18 trillion equivalent trillion dollars of credits through the government Banks and other other financial markets and that was used exclusively to build infrastructure, industry, scientific and technological projects including the high speed rail which is amazing everybody. That was a product of that so there's a philosophical difference in the thinking from the United States and Euro.

    In the United States under FDR, he controlled the banks said the banks should work for the people and they built infrastructure more than what China is doing now comparatively.

    We have one dollar in production and then you have billion dollars in financial speculation every day in the Swedish Financial Market. As much currency is traded for the whole Swedish GDP in a year in one day, people buying and selling currency using
    supercomputers for trillions every day, you know is that just completely insane this

    Look it does settle 7.5 trillion a day in foreign exchange transactions in just 18 currencies, I was the domain lead on that with IBM to build it so yeah I take responsibility I did that, and that's now 1,900 trillion a year in foreign exchange trades and none of has to do with anything moving in the real world, so it is entirely just a casino.

    As they say in the movie Wolf of Wall Street, it's all fugazi he goes fugazi Wazi gazi, who knows so that's what the whole the global economy has become. It seemed like a good idea at the time but it's seems to me that what's happening in the world at the moment, I mean a lot of the the the headlines I guess revolve around things like NATO and stuff but there's actually a whole series of underlying structural shifts going on in the way that economies work and how resources are deployed and what the balances are in domestic economies and how that spills over into International tensions.

    Dr. Warwick Powell https://substack.com/@warwickpowell

    Dr. Pascal Lottaz: Neutrality Studies @neutralitystudies

    Anna Malindog-Uy https://twitter.com/annamalindoguy?s=

    Kathleen Tyson https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathleen-…++

    Hussein Askary https://twitter.com/husseinaskary?s=2

    Dr. Digby Wren https://substack.com/@digbywren

    Dr. David Oualaalou: Geopolitical Trends / @geopoliticaltrends

    S.L. Kanthan https://slkanthan.substack.com

    Einar Tangen https://www.linkedin.com/in/ehtangen/

    Dr. John Pang https://twitter.com/jynpang?s=21&t=2Q

    • gsays 2.1

      Now I understand why a Financial Transaction Tax or Tobin tax can be set at such a low level (.001%)and replace PAYE, GST, etc.

      • adam 2.1.1

        Now I understand why a Financial Transaction Tax or Tobin tax can be set at such a low level (.001%)and replace PAYE, GST, etc.

        And the worst part, it would hardly hurt their bottom line.

  3. Ad 3

    The Republican Party is currently giving the Democratic Party an object lesson in how to shore up a weak and disliked Presidential candidate and give him momentum and a winning energy.

    Of course the global left could just keep chipping away looking for some other candidate, some other way, in their usual Splitter moves. Or they could watch and learn how to make a candidate great again.

    • adam 3.1

      I was impressed with the Biden interview, and how he took on the journalist in that NBC interview. (see my video link above)

      They are not going to ditch Biden, they can't. But a VP with some universal appeal would do wonders for the Democratic cause.

    • aj 3.2

      I think it's impossible now for the Dems to win, no matter who they selected. Ryan Grim (ex the Intercept) says the following to Owen Jones:

      Banning IVF, the kind of thing that is just utterly toxic to Republicans nationally and if Trump still does lose, which is still within the realm of possibility, it will be because of that sort of thing: IVF and their anti-abortion push

      There there is still an extraordinary amount of hostility towards Republicans on that question if you look at basically in every state that Democrats need to win, to win the presidency, their Senate candidate is winning fairly comfortably. Like not blowing it out but fairly comfortably, which shows that the country right now is is leaning Democratic which which makes it such a a crazy twist of historical fate that they may they may elect Donald Trump anyway.

      Leaning Democratic? Seems a stretch. They would need someone with youth and real star power. I have no suggestions.

      Is Trump VP's Pick JD Vance MORE EXTREME Than Him? – w/. Ryan Grim

  4. Rolling-on-Gravel 5

    J D Vance will sink Trump IMO.