Daily review 17/12/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 17th, 2024 - 24 comments
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24 comments on “Daily review 17/12/2024 ”

  1. Kat 1

    Same old….same old…..past Labour govt all to blame for state of economy……….


    Barbara Edmonds (specialist tax lawyer) responds: https://www.labour.org.nz/news-nightmare_before_christmas_for_nicola_willis

    If Planet Key wasn’t bad enough we now have Space junk Cluxons…….

    • Ad 1.1

      Treasury and Willis thought their tax cut productivity gains would stay and make all the service and project cuts worthwhile.


      • mpledger 1.1.1

        The classic rules are that in a downturn you don't cut govt spending and you don't give tax cuts to the rich. The former stifles the economy and the rich put the money in the bank for safety, to wait for better times – both things take money out of circulating in the economy. National are financial illiterates.

    • alwyn 1.2

      Barbara Edmonds is not a registered lawyer.

      Indeed, if she is claiming to be one, she would appear to be breaking the law.

      [Still creating straw man arguments and diversion trolling. Last time https://thestandard.org.nz/open-mike-25-07-2024/#comment-2005916) your ban was increased from two weeks to two months and since you’re still wasting our time and adding zero value here here’s your warning that you’re looking at a much longer ban again if you keep this up. Have a nice Christmas – Incognito]

    • georgecom 1.3

      Nicola Faillis turning into a reverse King Midas, weaving gold into straw. Borrowing $12 billion for tax cuts doesn't look so smart now Nicola

    • Muttonbird 1.4

      Barbara Edmonds does talk here about the chilling effect CoC policy has had on the economy:

      “The damage she has done to the economy means the recession will be longer and the recovery harder.

      “A series of poor decisions on her part mean that unemployment is on the rise, there are fewer jobs and a Kiwi leaves every six and a half minutes for greener pastures.

      Firing thousands of public service employees and threatening and undermining the public service and councils has signalled to everyone really that it's important to do nothing right now and get rid of workers. It has induced paralysis of the economy and that is squarely the fault of Luxton, Willis, Seymour, and Peters.

      Willis and Luzon blame Treasury of course for apparently being, "too optimistic". I'd say Treasury did what Treasury does and forecasts down the middle with the information they have on hand. What they didn't foresee was the rank incompetence of Luxon and his dreadful finance minister.

      • georgecom 1.4.1

        The COC is fortunate that the tens of thousands of kiwis heading overseas for a job help mask the unemployment rate, if half of them stayed the rate would be 1 or 2% higher. Meanwhile inflation running around 2.5%, minimum wage increased 1.5%. wages going backward, jobs going, unemployment sky rocketing, economy nose diving, willis increasing govt debt at an alarming rate, health system coming apart at the seams……

  2. Patricia Bremner 2

    When I predicted what austerity would do, Belladonna told me to have a cup of tea and a lie down.

    He/she should apologise and admit the damage this CoC has done, firstly by appointing such poor treasurer. Her, Willis hubris in refusing to accept advice. Choosing a new advisory group!! She is spiralling us into a full on recession.

    The situation they have us in has been exacerbated by her actions. Next year will be worse. Sneaking two contentious bills through during holidays as well.

    This has to be a one term Government, So unfeeling, so destructive and so self serving.

    They are clearly working for their funders not for us.

    • Tony Veitch 2.1

      yes As I've said before, Belladonna is aptly named!

    • mpledger 2.2

      All they appear to do is pillage and destroy. And the pillaging isn't even for their benefit (or for minor benefit like campaign funds), it appears to be for overseas interests. Olden times National would do stupid stuff but at least it was for the best interests of New Zealand. Nowdays, it all seems like it's to financially enslave us.

    • George.com 2.3

      Echoes of Ruth Richardson who deepened a recession and put 2 generations on the poverty line.

  3. Joe90 3

    She's good.


    Greens co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick utterly nails it in her response to todays release of the Half Year & Fiscal Update (HYEFU) which saw Finance Minister #NickyNoBoats Willis walk out of the House less than halfway through her speech.



  4. adam 4

    1998 Ignorance has won

    Always just a suggestion.

  5. SPC 5

    Just read this to understand what Christian fundamentalism is to right wing politics.


    • tWig 5.1

      What unreadable rubbish. Wouldn't even make the world's most boring sermon. To paraphrase "Don't know Tamaki, but his going to prison is like St Paul's incarceration."