Daily review 18/12/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 18th, 2024 - 3 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

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3 comments on “Daily review 18/12/2024 ”

  1. adam 1

    So the IDF can drop booms and wipe out whole swaths of Syria infrastructure (not just military bases) , and our government goes nothing to see here. Bugger me, what a load of war worshiping pigs. Our PM is Mammonite filth.


  2. Jilly Bee 2

    I was going to post this a few days ago, but better late than never! I’ve recently discovered the @threads chat on what seems to be an extension of Instagram. It’s similar to Twitter X, but not anything to do with Elon Musk!!! I have been absolutely gobsmacked to read the harrowing stories posted by people who have struggled with the Health Insurance regime in the USA, ever since that CEO of one of the Insurance schemes was gunned down and how the guy arrested for the killing has actually become a bit of a folk hero. I can only say thank goodness for our health scheme in Aotearoa New Zealand, and how we must continue to fight the powers that be for its survival. Hubby and I relinquished our health insurance when we retired several years ago and threw ourselves at the mercy of the public health system, which has come up trumps for me at least this year when I was diagnosed with a malignant tumor on one of my kidneys, which has now been removed and to date I’m cancer free. My plea is that Lester Levi and Shane Reti is kicked out of their respective positions for the good of the people who need and will need to access the hospital system. Of course that’s not going to happen while this CoC is at the helm. I mostly just read the comments but have started to add the odd comment myself. Oh to live in the good ole U S of A with their (non existent) gun laws and their so Health Insurance. I also have a bit of a snigger how the MAGAts don’t realise that Obamacare is actually their ACA (Affordable Care) which the incoming regime are talking about cancelling.

  3. joe90 3

    National. Corrupt AF.



    The brilliant Arena Williams, MP for Manurewa, describes the $$$ benefit that Winton will gain, much of it from rate/taxpayers. Us, in other words. The Hansard transcript is here too – it’s appalling stuff. Winton donated around $100k to the National Party, just as an aside.




    Winton Land, one of New Zealand’s largest property developers, hopes changes to the Fast-Track Approvals Bill would allow it to sidestep local authorities in pursuit of housing developments.

    Winton has been trying to develop a 5000-property subdivision in Sunfield, south of Auckland, and has taken Kāinga Ora to court for refusing to fast-track the project. The company told Newsroom last year it kept a close eye on “the legislative instruments that are available”, and would “make submissions where we consider it appropriate to do so”.

    Since then, a new Government has taken control – spurred on in part by a major financial backing by Winton. A previous finance and infrastructure minister sits on Winton’s board, and the current Minister for Housing Chris Bishop previously sided with Winton in its clash with Kāinga Ora. But while the powers of Bishop’s new fast-track bill extend well beyond what Winton could leverage in the past, in its submission on the Bill, Winton argued these powers do not reach far enough.
