Daily Review 27/10/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, October 27th, 2015 - 19 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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19 comments on “Daily Review 27/10/2015 ”

  1. Sacha 1

    Local Govt select committee agrees with Penny Bright’s petition about failed Welli regional amalgamation – h/t Philip Lyth (5 page PDF): http://www.parliament.nz/resource/en-nz/51DBSCH_SCR66460_1/b0a4cb1dd361abe55c3f5488d3ed6a4313afd103

  2. Anne 2

    Interesting piece about an interview with two current MI6 Intelligence Officers. We know SIS operates in the same way as it’s UK counterparts. There is some revealing information about their relationship with government ministers/bureaucrats which have their parallels here – not always in the best way as we have witnessed in recent times.

    “The nature of the world is such that we can’t operate in isolation,” he says. “So we work very closely with MI5 [the UK’s domestic Security Service] and GCHQ [the secret listening station at Cheltenham]. It’s that combination of technical and human intelligence that allows us to answer the questions that key individuals in Whitehall want to know about.”


  3. Draco T Bastard 3

    Down in the dumps: Loss of big animals and their poop damages Earth – study

    A new study shows that whales and outsized land mammals, as well as seabirds and migrating fish, play a vital role in keeping the planet fertile by transporting nutrients from ocean depths to mountaintops – but their populations are plummeting.

    Scientists say the “animal-powered, planetary pump may have dropped to just six percent” of its former capacity to spread nutrients on land and throughout the sea.

    I suspect that the collapse in Mega-fauna, caused by us, is probably a large part in why we have to fertilise at all. The other large part probably has to do with us treating our waste and then dumping it somewhere out of the way rather than spreading it about so that it re-enters the ecosystem effectively.

    • mickysavage 3.1

      Bears crapping salmon rich poo in the woods has a significant ecological effect the results of which are being seen now.

      • Kiwiri 3.1.1

        Maybe there could be benefit in John Key’s NZ poo being dumped in Hawaii?

        Or pee-ing on us each time he returns from US?
        Trickle down effect.

        • Smilin

          A lot could be made of that, controlling his excrement would mean we could save on water from the shit showers we get thru MSM

    • weka 3.2

      Good link thanks Draco.

      The great plains of the big continents (US, Africa) are examples of ecosystems instrinsicly tied up with large herding herbivores (mob grazing and mass fertilising from herds underpins the ecology). The regenag people are working on mimicking these systems to produce food in ways that build soil and continue the ecosystems in perpetuity (see Alan Savory’s work in particular).

      NZ rain and dry forests are built on thousands of years of bird poo, which we are now pissing away in mere generations.

    • Robert Guyton 3.3

      That’s an important issue, Draco T and one that has been affecting us ever since the arrival of rats in New Zealand. Muttonbirds (titi, puffinus grisseus) used to populate the entire country, even up into the Southern Alps, bringing their sea-sourced food with them, in their gut, and depositing it as guano, far from the ocean. That cycle is broken, that source extinguished. Large flightless birds too, deposited their loads in our forests, providing material that soil organisms could use more readily than the could fallen leaves etc. How foolish we have been, we humans. Time to begin repairing those broken systems. George Monbiot and his book Feral” point at re-wilding as the way forward. I support his views, with adjustments for Aotearoa.

  4. BM 4

    North sea oil.

    • Draco T Bastard 4.1

      IIRC, it’s got another few years to run before it’s gone. It’s already well past it’s peak.

  5. weka 5

    Anyone know if there are more big earthquakes happening than in the past, or if increased global communications and media means we hear about them more? Who would be keeping track of such things?

    • Naturesong 5.1

      Try NOAA’s earthquake database

      • weka 5.1.1

        thanks, I was hoping someone might have collated the data already and could provide a summary.

    • mpledger 5.2

      I’ve wondered about that myself. I’ve rationalised it away by saying that there is more media coverage now but also earthquakes aren’t independent events – one earthquake can have after shocks and also trigger other earthquakes elsewhere. Perhaps the latest earthquake in Afghanastan is related to the very large Nepalese earthquake earlier this year rather than being a new event.

      The geologists say not but I suspect that the large swarm of Seddon/Wellington earthquakes and the smaller swarm of Wairarapa/Wellington earthquakes were the results of pressures in the fault lines re-adjusting after the earthquakes in Christchurch. So whether you count that as three events or one (or a ton of individual events) really depends on a lot of information that we can’t observe.

  6. miravox 6

    Pic of Netanyahu surveying Gaza

    No wonder he downplays the effects of his work there.

  7. Draco T Bastard 7

    Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

    Now a notoriously oil-rich region, the Persian Gulf might become uninhabitable by the next century under the current global warming trends. It is thought that they will create humid heat conditions at a level incompatible with human existence, a new study reveals.

    Once high heat and humidity reaches a certain level, “the body is no longer able to cool itself and begins to overheat,” Pal told journalists. Out in the open and without air conditioning, a person could only stay out in the sun for six hours, at most, before their body began shut down.

    Well, that’s pretty much what I’ve been saying for the equator for some time now.

  8. whateva next? 8

    Just looking at the poster at the top, so, there is another way, despite what we are told Mr. Blinglish. I’d rather pay more tax and have a life, and be able to enjoy it along with the real NZ society.

  9. ropata 9

    News release on behalf of Nicky Hager concerning privacy breach by Westpac can be read here. https://t.co/ymrbXmPDaL pic.twitter.com/dHVCdqAMTu— Dirty Politics (@DirtyPoliticsNZ) October 27, 2015