Daily review 28/01/2025

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, January 28th, 2025 - 19 comments
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19 comments on “Daily review 28/01/2025 ”

  1. Kat 1

    This should be compulsory viewing……………words even more relevant today…..

    • Anne 1.1

      So prescient!

      • Kat 1.1.1

        It was happening then….happening before….. and happening now on 45rpm…..I watch the 6 oclock news….”and if my thought-dreams could be seen
        They’d probably put my head in a guillotine….”

        • Anne

          Yes. Those words jumped out at me too.

          Btw, did anyone else hear Maiki Sherman on the 6pm news tonight refer to the "popular minister Simeon Brown"?

          Talk about living on an alternate planet. 😮

          Or did I hear it wrong.

          • Macro

            Yeah. I heard her "report" too. Talk about syrup. All sweetness and light. Just about lost my dinner.

          • Tony Veitch

            Thank you Anne, for confirming that – I thought I'd heard wrong and contemplated a visit to a hearing clinic asap!

            • Tony Veitch

              One hopes Maiki had a Jonathan Pie 'off camera' moment after that – such as, "Who writes this crap?"

      • mikesh 1.1.2

        Perhaps. If he wasn't singing in a foreign language. If it's not a foreign language, it might as well be.

  2. bwaghorn 2


    National failure, I can't open this pay wall but the first para is enough.

    What's the bet most of the consultants have links to private health and are pushing old gullible spinless luxon towards more privatization?

  3. aj 3

    Is Labour really going to be brave enough to campaign on a platform of wealth taxes next election?

    This is a lengthy but quite entertaining chat with Gary Stevenson, 'a British economist, former financial trader, and YouTuber known for his economic analysis and activism against economic inequality'

    I became hooked into it from around minute 10 when the discussion lead to his prediction of house price growth in the UK, where the housing market and it's social implications are similar to New Zealand.

    Angry Young People say there's no way it's sustainable, house price are going to collapse and I don't need to ask I know who these people are, these are young people without homes.

    Homeowners aren't saying that, right no and then the reason these people are saying it is because they they're terrified of that happening and and and their right to be.

    If I'm right the house prices go up significantly in the next five or six years, and I think I will be right and I usually am right, that's going to be so socially divisive because a lot of homeowners will be happy and a lot of non-home owners, which includes a lot of young people that will mean for them not just permanent Financial insecurity Financial insecurity for their kids and for their grandkids

    These people will lose capitalism and they will be dropped off the bottom forever, these will be the guys who have lost Monopoly and have to sit on the side eating tacos and pizza for another six hours while the who are winning fight it out like that's the situation

    This is what we put on the plate for our young people but not only do we do that, we turn around and we tell them you can have anything you want as long as you hustle hard enough well the flip side of that is if you didn't get anything you didn't hustle hard enough did you. But the truth is I come from a poor background I went to LC and I went to Oxford and I worked in the city and I work in media so I've seen quite a wide like scope of society here.

    Somebody said to me this idea if you if you work hard enough you can make it other, but than me I couldn't think of a single person I grew up with who significantly raised themselves in the social hierarchy. Every single person I know ended up pretty much as rich as their dad that's the world that we live in, and then we turn around to kids and say well if you didn't make it you didn't hustle hard enough.

    Well it's pretty clear that the outcome is 95% dad so tell them that if you didn't make it you pick the wrong Dad, pick again.

    I think if you if you create this society that tells young people especially young men you know you can make it if you work hard enough, hustle hard enough, try harder, and simultaneously determines outcomes almost entirely at Birth – of course these guys are going to go mad of course they're going to go mad, and then my friends who come from poor backgrounds they don't understand why they can't afford the house because my friends who come from richer backgrounds got given 400 Grand by their mom when they want to buy a house.

    I think we should just tell the truth to the kids and say listen: we the older generation decided that we were going to totally end social mobility and that's the way it is, just accept where you are but we don't tell them that you get rich or die trying.
    Well, they've only got one of those which is achievable. It's all founded on a lie which is a really really key thing.

    'Once you take wealth taxes and taxes on the very rich off the table, you are left with nothing but bad choices'

  4. Muttonbird 4

    The chinless wonder and student politician is demanding NZ sell off what the community now owns to already wealthy people who by definition maximise profit and minimise cost.


    Today I got a lovely email from my electricity provider (Frank Energy) that their rates will be going up 18% from 01 March…

    … I could probably swallow this like a Hopetoun St hooker if there were some genuine moves to increase generation from either the gentailers or their majority owners (for now), the fucking government.

    But there is not.

  5. Dennis Frank 5

    Jacinda's back in the media this year…

    Last week, Ardern announced that her memoir, A Different Kind of Power, will be published in June. And two documentaries also have the former prime minister at their centre. One of those, supported by the Film Commission, is slated for an August release.

    The other, which by contrast has Ardern’s involvement and implicit endorsement – her husband Clarke Gayford is credited as both a producer and a director of photography, and contributes plenty of family footage to the project – is currently playing at the Sundance Film Festival.


    in a Q&A session at the Sundance festival on Sunday, she said: “I saw the final cut of the film yesterday. I cried through most of it… I hoped that the film would humanise politicians, those who are public servants, and leadership, but I never thought it would humanise me. When I watched it, I just saw myself as someone who was trying to do their best.”

    I hope it presents recent history accurately, in which case it will stand the test of time & give her durability as a role model for young female aspirants.

    • Muttonbird 5.1

      (It) reads as a tragic depiction of yet another experienced, thoughtful woman whose determination to do good, both by her family and the country she represents, is steam-rolled by the horror and bigotry other individuals wish to bring on the world.

      This is Kiwibloggers and they must be foaming at the mouth more than usual tonight at the sight of Jacinda Ardern in the news.

      Just on that. Farrar has not posted at all today. Just one by someone called TAXPAYERSUNION defending tobacco companies and their man in government, Casey Costello, and General Debate by the far right KOKILA PATEL.

      I do hope nothing something has gone wrong.

  6. Binders full of women 6

    I think he's walking the walk. Ie ticking off another Great Walk ..approx his 12th one..a good effort

    • Muttonbird 6.1

      Are you replying to me @5.1? Farad was in parliament not yesterday submitting in favour of the racist principles bill.

  7. joe90 7

    Beat the panopticon, mask up.


    Warren and Casey also voiced concern about Kroger’s partnership with Microsoft to install facial-recognition technology in stores, which could be used to identify individual customers: When a shopper approaches the shelf, she would see a price calibrated specifically for her. The next shopper might pay a different amount based on their profile.


  8. joe90 8

    Of course the bar will be lowered to send all the blacks back to Africa.



    Trump says he wants to fly American criminals to other countries who will incarcerate them for "a small fee"


    President Donald Trump on Monday told Republican members of the House that he would launch a plan to subject recidivist American criminals to a punishment never before used in the United States and last used in the United Kingdom nearly two centuries ago: Forced exile.

    “We’re going to get approval … to get them the hell out of our country,” he vowed. “Let’s see how they like it.”


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