Daily review 28/02/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:24 pm, February 28th, 2019 - 25 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

25 comments on “Daily review 28/02/2019 ”

  1. Kat 1

    Interesting how Americans don’t seem to bat an eyelid when alluding to mothers being intercoursed. The term appears almost systemic in their culture.

    • BM 1.1

      It’s a World wide thing and has been for quite a while

      And here some Kiwi stuff from a long time ago

      • Cinny 1.1.1

        The Datsuns !!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! ROCK ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • WILD KATIPO

          Wheres me rum ?… here be one o’ the greatest to e’er grace our shores , – the magnificent Graham Brazier and the equally as magnificent band ,…Hello Sailor.

          Hello Sailor – New Tattoo (1994) – YouTube

          And the imagery in this video is so Kiwi working class it gives me joy and pride.

    • greywarshark 1.2

      I was amazed when I heard the word coming over in their films decades ago.,
      Yet decades before that a film couldn’t show married people in bed together.
      And we were second only to them for pre-marital intercourse. I think it is having a too prudish attitude, coupled with a lack of respect each gender for the other.
      Instead there is mainly curiosity .

  2. Sabine 2

    nukes to the left, nukes to the right
    we’re stuck in the middle with them


      • greywarshark 2.1.1

        Did the water have time to boil before they broke off the talks? So they could have a nice cup of tea and chat about unimportant things of a bland nature?
        Are relations still fairly cordial?

        • Macro

          According to Trump they” walked away”.
          So I guess he had a diet coke in his room watching faux news, and munching on a cheese burger.
          There are a couple of take aways (excuse the expression)

          Three things to note:

          1. North Korea has suspended missile testing in the past and nothing came of it (1999 – 2005),

          2. As this recent Politico article points out: “Despite a pause in nuclear and missile tests, North Korea’s nuclear program is in fact advancing by the day.”,
          and perhaps most importantly,

          3.Trump accepts Kim Jong Un’s claim to innocence regarding Otto Warmbier.
          A reporter asked Trump if he has brought up Otto Warmbier, the American who died after being in the custody of North Koreans. Trump, in a stunning claim for a U.S. president, said he doesn’t believe the top leadership knew, and he doesn’t believe Kim knew. Trump claimed Kim said he was unaware.

          From the Politico article linked above:

          … While there have been no nuclear- or ballistic-missile tests since 2017, the program is far from frozen; all evidence suggests that North Korea continues to upgrade and expand its nuclear weapon and missile infrastructure…

          Here is what we know: North Korea continues to produce fissile material, enabling it to build increasing numbers of nuclear weapons. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed as much in Senate testimony last summer. A recent expert report estimated that in 2018, North Korea developed enough plutonium and highly enriched uranium to build up to 7 additional nuclear weapons and that the regime continued to advance “all phases” of its weapons program. As recently as November, the International Atomic Energy Agency observed expanded operations at Yongbyon, the North’s main facility producing fissile material.

          North Korea also continues to expand its missile development and production facilities. And as researchers at the Center for Strategic and International Studies have shown using satellite imagery, Pyongyang maintains as many as 20 undeclared ballistic-missile bases where it continues to advance its missile program. North Korea will not negotiate over elements of the program it does not disclose.

          Bottom line: Despite his colossal buildup to this summit, Trump has won zero new concessions from North Korea. At the same time he appears to have made a significant concession to Kim: He strongly implied that the US was permanently surrendering the annual joint military exercises with South Korea (previously, it looked like they were just skipping one while they were waiting for the talks to progress). Trump has also further legitimized Kim’s brutal regime on the world stage by sharing the spotlight with him. Meanwhile Kim has bought more time to advance North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs and, based on their proven track record, they will likely resume testing whenever it suits them.

  3. Tony Veitch [not etc.] 3

    Good to see the financial wizardry of Cur John Key having an impact on Air NZ’s bottom line.

    The Nats have produced a long line of economic wiz-kids – Jenny Shipley, Stephen Joyce, Bill English and now the last apology for a prime minister, Key, to name just the most recent.

    No wonder this country trusts the Nats to be better economic managers than the coalition.


    • Kat 3.1

      Herr Joseph Goebbels somehow earned the trust of greater Germany in the lead up to WWII, no wonder John Key always shied away from any emphasis on history.

      Bugger, Godwin the neighbours pig is flying about again…………..hang about, he has a note tied to one of his trotters……oh, its fallen off….got it….it says “important talk on economics and international trade by respected ex PM Dame Jenny Shipley in Town Hall 7pm”…….

      • Wayne 3.1.1


        Comparing Sir John Key to the Nazis,


        • Sam

          Hitlers youth then.

          Just take it as, we really don’t like Sir John Key.

        • Kat


          Crosby and Textor political propaganda straight out of Goebbels handbook. Referred to it many times.

          Nothing to do with John Key, how could it be he wasn’t interested in history, he said it wasn’t important, many times.

          Seriously serial.

          Bugger, Godwins back…………… more later

    • Stunned mullet 3.2

      Do you not know board’s responsibilities and how they operate in publicly listed companies.

      • greywarshark 3.2.1

        Do you want to know or do you know and are just testing us? You tease!

      • Tony Veitch [not etc.] 3.2.2

        Don’t tell me the board didn’t listen to with respect and take advice from a man of such financial ‘high status’ as jonkey?

        Well I never!

  4. Andre 4

    Motherfucker isn’t the appropriate word for him. His mother isn’t the close blood relative he’s got the hots for.

    • greywarshark 4.1

      Fatherfucker is the inword these days – to show equality in gender-oriented vituperative putdowns.

      • Charlie 4.1.1

        Look out, Jimmy with the tight underwear and suffering from RWS will have the mods onto you for that sort of language.

  5. A 5

    The over promotion of MAFS is finally getting me to stop visiting news sites. Never watched it, never gonna, and I resent looking at valuable headline space being commandeered.

    Stupid media.

  6. Stuart Munro 6

    New Yorker nailed it:

    “The President wants to know if North Korea’s missiles can reach Michael Cohen.”

  7. adam 7

    God bless Jackie Walker