Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, August 29th, 2024 - 8 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Since the election and the COC of NATACTNZF we have seen a real crackdown on the gangs, multiple events happening in the last couple of weeks, about time something was done as these guys have been riding roughshod over society for years. Keep up the good work NATACTNZF.
I think the action against the headhunters Marua Road chapter has been in play for some time so not "since the election". And it doesn't even look like it's a done deal as in the property will be confiscated. Just court orders right now.
I live quite near this property and while it does not cause me much inconvenience other than hearing burnouts once or twice a month, I would like for them to move on, there’s a lot of young families in the area, Stanhope Road School, a Lutheran Church, and a kids’ Taekwondo studio, very close.
So now the West Bank (not controlled by Hamas) is getting the same treatment from the IDF.
I look forward to the apologists lies on this one…
This is the real issue. The actions in those camps will stop. But this will carry on. Now even private land …
$2.9 billion in tax cuts for landlords and someone's gotta pay….
Disabled now have to commit crime, be insane or in crisis to access residential care
Arbitrary funding freeze by Upston means no new places in residential care for disabled people, effectively denying placements for all but the most acutely unwell, criminal or homeless
1. ‘You have to commit a crime or be insane to get in now’
Upston says she’s ‘ripping the scab’ off funding mess
Whaikaha, the Ministry of Disabled People, has quietly told parents and carers of severely disabled people living with them that there will be no more places in residential care in the current financial year. The abrupt funding halt means the only hope disabled people currently living with carers have of being considered for residential care is to commit a crime or be so mentally or physically unwell they have been hospitalised and can no longer be cared for at home, or are facing completely-out-on-the-street homelessness.
Upston a true apostate on morality, specifically Christian. That said, I feel many people of other faiths would see, that the shoe fits. I'm sure even many atheists and agnostics, are more than uncomfortable, with the rather vile – punching down towards the poor .
Correct $2.9 Billion in Tax Cuts for Landlords then activate cuts to essential services ie health sector, police, disabled persons, who else can they deal to.
For Shane Jones and all the muppets that live for his raw meat.
Typhoon Shanshan smashes into Japan, and why it got so big, so fast.