Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, September 29th, 2020 - 21 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
That is priceless. It is a treasure which must never be sold, and must be held in perpetuity, at Te Ara.
When Bomber lets his mind free, it leaps and cavorts, and if in the Grand National would sail over all the high jumps, the water jumps and the specially crafted hyperbole and hubris jumps. Eventually they would have to handicap him so heavily, that he would be reduced to traversing the course on his knees!
lol Weka. It would be fantastic if JA wins the Nobel Peace Prize. To be announced on 9th October. I know Greta is great. But it would be great for Jacinda to win!
If Jacinda wins, she'd be one of the few people classy enough to appoint Greta as our special rapporteur on the environment. That would get things moving in the right direction.
I didn't notice before but great is formed from the letters of Greta. I can't remember what you call that. She must be sent from God and named specially to do the work she has done. It takes a special gift to keep going and looking into the eyes of the beige people, withered inside their heads, or driven by the More Virus for which there appears to be no cure found yet.
Be good if everybody could finally get the hang of Christopher Luxon’s name. Is it just auto-correct? Must drive him crazy.
be even better if we actually had some coverage of luxo . for the new messiah, he seems very publicity shy. almost as if the natz are keeping him away from the looming disaster.
In the meantime, people are confusing him with John Luxton, a Nat MP from back in the 1990s…
Helen Clarke, John Keys, Jacinda Arden … it's a fine old tradition. Looks good for his chances of becoming PM.
(Bill English was only ever English, not much to get wrong there).
I thought he tended to pronounce his own name as 'Bull' rather than Bill (exaggerated Kiwi accent which I suspect he affected) but that is a pronunciation error, not a spelling one.
Good, keep calling him Luxton. Of course there was a family of that name in National's portmanteau.
The name has a certain glamour of its own, 'Lux' leading to luxury, luxuriate, luxurious; and luxe – 'expensive and of high quality'.
And from science it would provide a shining example of a leader – 'the SI unit of illuminance, equal to one lumen per square metre.'
Observer – I thought that the name was without an ‘e’ – Helen Clark.
woodart – ‘the new messiah’ I think you’ve got it, by George you’ve got it. And religion is quite strong with him I believe, and with Bill English et al.
Are we going to have a religious war as in old Brit?
The European wars of religion were a series of Christian religious wars which were waged in Europe during the 16th, 17th and early 18th centuries.[1][2] Fought after the Protestant Reformation began in 1517, the wars disrupted the religious and political order in the Catholic countries of Europe. However, religion was only one of the causes, which also included revolts, territorial ambitions, and Great Power conflicts. For example, by the end of the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648), Catholic France was allied with the Protestant forces against the Catholic Habsburg monarchy.[3] The wars were largely ended by the Peace of Westphalia (1648), establishing a new political order now known as Westphalian sovereignty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_wars_of_religion
I believe that we came to NZ to found a better country and state.
If there are others with incurable curiosity, the next para about the European wars is remarkable and I have put it on OM as getting too far off the thread. I have realised as I have put thinking time into my doing as an older person, that we we tend to go in circles, and are driven by disruptive ideas rather than those of a peaceful transition in life towards enlightenment goals.
Oh this will be good.
Trump, Epstein and Giuliani as targets…
That's encouraging. He usually targets the weak and the oppressed. He thought himself especially clever when he ridiculed a Christian peace activist in the Occupied Territories in 2009, maliciously and recklessly calling him a Muslim terrorist.
@woodart 3.1
Of course they are. If he’s smart he’ll keep his head down, win Botany, and get the lay of the land after the election when the extent of the devastation will become clear.
yes, some decent journos should be turning over rocks ,looking for luxo, asking his expert advice on everything. the herald is quick to get last weeks news back for comments, why not be pro-active and ask the next nat hero what he would do, if he still ran air nz.
A picture is worth a thousand words …
Stolen from the comments after these thousand words …
Whew I'm so pleased there is not a front view!
I liked the label on the MAGA undies as well.
You'll just have to rely on Stormy's description for the mental picture.
The wonderful Billy, the man (according to some) who has already won Te Tai Tokerau and is bringing in 3 MPs into Parliament, appears in live debate.