Daily Review 30/08/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 30th, 2018 - 29 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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29 comments on “Daily Review 30/08/2018 ”

  1. alwyn 1

    Are you sure that you got the right party?
    That Logo looks just like the New Zealand Labour Party logo from the 1970s-1980s era. Blue instead of Red perhaps but the current version used for Labour today would look rather blue I suspect.
    The letter sounds a bit the same way.

    • Incognito 1.1

      Use CTRL+ or make an appointment at Specsavers. And stop reading letters out loud; it’s an annoying habit!

    • rightly or wrongly 1.2

      A bit of an awkward caption to this post given events of this afternoon.

      It seems the only party of deviousness and dishing out the biff seems to be NZ Labour. (Thanks Clare and Meka)

  2. Anne 2

    Re caption:
    Priceless 😆

  3. Paul Grant 3


    And so the deception begins. These guys really have no idea.
    And if anyone objects [Snip – That is a silly comment. I will let this comment through. But I note that this is something that National did as well and so the deception has not begun. All that this is is an argument to do away with the budget responsibility rules – MS]

  4. joe90 4

    Die, FB, die.

    According to Attitude from a study from The Telegraph, Facebook has been reportedly targeting LGBTQ users with gay conversion advertisements.

    As The Telegraph mentioned, users (including young LGBTQ people) reported seeing ads promoting “sexual purity” and gay conversion therapy. When users inquired about why they were seeing these particular ads, Facebook said they noticed they were interested in “gender issues.”


    • One Two 4.1

      FB exists because people continue to use it…

      You may as well say ‘die FB users, die’…

  5. The Media Statement on the post is somewhat ironic given today’s news – ‘Physical incident’ the reason Customs Minister stood aside

    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has accepted Minister Meka Whaitiri’s offer to stand aside from her portfolios, while an investigation is carried out into a staffing matter in her office.

    Newshub understands the probe follows allegations of a physical incident with another staff member in her office, which involved some shoving.



  6. ianmac 6

    Thanks again the honest man David Fisher.
    “Simon Bridges’ ‘tough on crime proof’ — unpublished, not reviewed and doesn’t really back him up”
    Who would believe Bridges?

    • BM 6.1

      David Fisher works for the Labour party.

      The man is so biased he makes Mike Hosking sound like the spokesperson for the Ministry of impartiality.

      • ianmac 6.1.1

        David seems to me to just present the facts without the spin where Hosking presents the spin without the facts. Therefore David allows me to make up my own mind.

  7. JC 7

    “The United States secretary of the interior, Ryan Zinke, will lead a high-level U.S. government delegation to next week’s Pacific Islands leaders’ summit in Nauru.”


    That’s Friggn Scary! Not content with wrecking Environmental protection gains in the US, Now has eyes on the Pacific!

    “One of Zinke’s first acts, after dismounting from Tonto, was to overturn a moratorium on new leases for coal mines on public land. He subsequently recommended slashing the size of several national monuments, including Bears Ears, in Utah, and Gold Butte, in Nevada, and lifting restrictions at others to allow more development.”



  8. adam 9

    I liked this. Disagree with the authors about the solutions, but at least he trying for something.



    The above is an economic discussion, and it involves people with disabilities.

  9. Fireblade 11

    Lose Yourself Simon

  10. McFlock 12

    He’s a drummer?

    That explains everything.

    Putting Phil Collins up front worked for Genesis, but most bands wouldn’t dream of making the drummer the lead.

    • Stuart Munro 12.1

      Simon’s term as team leader is going to be on a par with drummers for Spinal Tap.

  11. millsy 13

    So who here is willing to die in a ditch to stop TAB from being privatised?

    • McFlock 13.1

      Oh wow that’s really on the cards.

      I’m almost inclined to say “let the industry die”, but whatevs.

      If they do privatise TAB you’ll see branch closures and it’ll end up being web-based betting done in the privacy of your own administrative fraud from work. But then the govt wouldn’t have so much of an interest against regulating it out of existence.