Daily Review 30/10/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 30th, 2018 - 33 comments
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33 comments on “Daily Review 30/10/2018 ”

  1. bwaghorn 1

    So ross is still in the nat party? Is he just conveniently in the wilderness till it blows over? Abit like collins fake sacking for her oravida stuff .

    • Bearded Git 1.1

      They can use the Waka Jumping Bill to chuck him out. He has affected proportionality simply by leaving the Gnats.

      • BM 1.1.1

        He’ll get one chance when he gets back, he fucks it up and acts the wanker he’ll be shit canned via the Waka Jumping Bill.

        Fragile mental health or not, he’ll be out of there faster than cheese through a goose.

  2. Pat 2

    “In fairness, playing the whole Green thing for laughs must be tempting when the challenges are so very, very great. How, for example, do you inform humanity that their sheer numbers preclude any sort of “soft landing” for the climate change crisis?

    Saving the planet and feeding all its people, long ago ceased to be a practical proposition.”


    Chris Trotter ventures where others fear to tread.

    • Sabine 2.1

      anyone in their right mind would have realized that some time ago.

      the whole world wide political shit slinging going on atm is simple because there are too many humans, to little resources left and it would be best if many of us simply died. Silently without much fuss. Of course they can’t really say that, but its what it is.

      • Pat 2.1.1

        while many may understand it , this is the first occasion I have seen it boldly stated by a mainstream journalist (albeit in a blog) that I can recall.

        • Sabine

          and does this make it any truer?

          • Pat

            it neither makes it truer nor less so but it may enable a franker public (media) discussion around the issue…something I consider may well be beneficial.

      • One Two 2.1.2

        The problem is not too many human beings…that is a fallacy…

        Misuse of resources under the dominant ideology is a far greater problem…

        • Pat

          Tell that to the degraded soils, the disappearing potable water. the plastic filled environment, emptying oceans, clear felled forests and expiring biodiversity…..never mind climate change.

        • Incognito

          It isn’t either – or, it’s both. Please realise that human beings provide human capital & labour resource (workforce) and comprise the market under the “dominant ideology” plus to many they’re the product as well. If (or when?) the human race gets decimated it’ll be the end of that ideology; it’s a cancer that kills the patient who gave rise to it, first unbeknown to the carrier but with time the ill person becoming more and more aware of the malignant tumour that spreads to all areas and hampers life and cause immense pain. Yet, the moribund patient continues unshaken as if immortal or waiting for Divine intervention …

        • Pat

          “The biggest cause of wildlife losses is the destruction of natural habitats, much of it to create farmland. Three-quarters of all land on Earth is now significantly affected by human activities. Killing for food is the next biggest cause – 300 mammal species are being eaten into extinction – while the oceans are massively overfished, with more than half now being industrially fished.”


    • Carolyn_Nth 2.2

      Just Trotter, like Bradbury continuing to hammer the Greens, and especially Davidson.

      I suspect it’s because Davidson, and some others in the Greens speak the unthinkable with respect to issues of gender and ethnicity. The male GP leader often tends to be preferred by many on the left and right.

      Also, there seems to be some animosity between Davidson and Bradbury. Davidson wrote for TDB before becoming an MP. And once, Bradbury saw her as the future of politics.

      Now he’s saying the same about newbies Swarbrick and Golritz. There’s something personal going on re-Davidson – seen it on social media. And it may have something to do with some women who once wrote for TDB becoming critical of Bradbury’s tendency to macho behaviour and dismissal of some of the women’s concerns.

      There needs to be a left wing blog that foregrounds women’s and LGBT issues and a major one that foregrounds Green Party issues. There’s not a lot of blog posts in the main blogs, making their case.

      • Pat 2.2.1

        Im not sure from your reply that you have read C Trotter’s (not Bradbury) article as Davidson dosnt get a mention…its an article about CC

        • Carolyn_Nth

          From the post:

          If Shaw’s acquiescence could be offset by a co-leader determined to bear witness to the long-term challenges of responding to anthropogenic global warming, then the damage to the Green cause might be mitigated. Unfortunately, Marama Davidson seems to be as much a prisoner of the short-term as Shaw. In the passing circus parade that is day-to-day politics she has opted for the role of clown.


          Green leadership should be about thinking the unthinkable and working through the changes required to live in the world which humanity’s unthinking folly is steadily bringing into being. It may even be about anticipating that world by encouraging the formation of communities capable of guiding the survivors of humankind’s addiction to fossil-fuels towards a very different way of living on – and with – the planet.

          So, basically, Davidson, and the Green Party at large, should stick to environmental issues.

          Just another centrist or right winger telling Greens to stick to the environment, when that is never just what the Green parties, or the wider green movement have been solely about.

          • Pat

            my apologies..I missed that brief reference, even so I disagree that the article is some form of misogynist conspiracy to undermine the Greens rather I see an increasing frustration that the one political organisation that promoted the dangers of CC in the past now appears to be sidetracked at a time when the need is greatest…and time is increasingly diminishing.

            • Carolyn_Nth

              Nah. There’s a pattern – especially from Bradbury.

              And when was climate change ever a front and centre issue for Trotter?

              Plus, this post was top of TDB main page for a few days recently:


              With this big bolded heading:

              UPDATE OF UPDATE – MARAMA STRIKES BACK: Sigh – the continued march towards political irrelevancy and transformation of the Greens into an alienating woke middle class identity politics vehicle continues at pace

              • Pat

                Not sure why you insist on crediting Bradbury for Trotters work and vice versa…..indeed in my reading of TDB they seldom consider issues in the same manner…and CC has been a regular topic of exploration by CT for some years now and increasingly one that appears to instil concern.

                • Carolyn_Nth

                  They also have a lot in common in many ways. Their points of disagreement are within a fairly narrow frame.

                  They are the 2 mainstays of TDB, just slightly different generations.

                  • Pat

                    slightly different generations?….Bradbury 44 Trotter 72.

                    and their thought processes and about as far apart as their ages,

                    • Carolyn_Nth

                      And they both have a strong dislike of so–called “identity politics”. For Trotter it goes way back. Bradbury has had a veneer of a more enlightened approach to gender and race politcs that is more in keeping with that of younger generations. But, lately that veneer has been wearing a bit thin.

                      Bradbury is now 44 going on 70.

            • JC

              “I see an increasing frustration that the one political organisation that promoted the dangers of CC in the past now appears to be sidetracked at a time when the need is greatest…and time is increasingly diminishing.”

              James Shaw on NZ’s climate agenda: ‘We have to give it our best shot’


  3. Anne 3

    I note that National’s latest strategy is that anybody who criticises them or takes them to task for bad behaviour is:

    hysterical, neurotic and paranoid. Here is the latest example:


  4. Carolyn_Nth 4

    Christ. Why has checkpoint been spending so much time on the royals? Not very impressed so far with Owen’s Checkpoint.

    • JC 4.1

      Hmmm…. she is rather shrill! And lacking the finesse and charisma of her former colleague …. Perhaps that’s “the” producers’ influence …. Hopefull it will improve!

  5. AsleepWhileWalking 5

    From the link:

    A common quote about meeting a partner – “one universe, eight planets, and 204 countries’ – was partially quoted by the couple online.

    Ms Collins said in a tweet: “204 countries – maybe doesn’t need taxpayer support”.

    Bumming them out about their new purchase by implying they are bludgers is unnecessary.

    You could say the same about the 200,000 odd landlords taking holidays on the Accommodation Supplement.

  6. AsleepWhileWalking 6

    What happened to the removal of secondary tax? Thought it was a priority.

    Much needed too.