Deja vu

Written By: - Date published: 11:42 am, March 5th, 2008 - 13 comments
Categories: same old national - Tags:

Looks like slipperiness runs in the National Party family…

13 comments on “Deja vu ”

  1. Steve Pierson 1

    Don Vader and Johnny Skywalker.

    Remember when Brash was going to be our next Prime Minister and sweep those socialists from power?

    Remember when Key spent months denying he was plotting against Brash’s leadership, all the while with that wolf’s grin on his face?

  2. Wilson 2

    Classic. “Nooooooo!!!!”

  3. Brownie 3

    Where’s the vid gone Steve? Says video no longer available

  4. all_your_base 4

    Back again now I think…

  5. the sprout 5

    English’s expression in Key’s background is priceless

    captcha: guilds hind

  6. Brash Fan 6

    It’s a great shame Dr Brash isn’t our Prime Minister.
    Given Clark’s governance since the 2005 election I suspect many New Zealanders would be inclined to agreed.

    Oh well, not long now to a Prime Minister Key.

  7. Shit! That’s the funniest thing I’ve read on this blog for weeks. Cheers, BF!

  8. out of bed 8

    Don haven’t you got better things to do then post on here?

  9. Brash Fan 9

    In terms of sorting out interest rates, inflation, & general economic health, Brash is the man.

    And may I point out that the issues above are costing Labour just as many votes as the fresh faced Key (price of cheese anyone).

    In fact Labour could do worse than to have Dr Brash as an economic advisor. After all he did advise the 3rd Labour govt. & the 5th Labour govt. appointed him twice as reserve Bank governor.

  10. burt 10

    Brash Fan

    Just remember that Labour supporters are fair weather friends – hell even Trotter gets bagged by the left now. Remember if you think for yourself rather than sing from the party song sheet – you are no friend of the left.

  11. Oh look everybody! Burt made another joke! You’re doing vewwy well burty-boy… vewwy vewwy well little burty…

  12. the sprout 12

    well to be fair, Brash is beginning to look more competent than Key, and that’s saying something.

  13. AncientGeek 13

    Sigh – I wasn’t thinking starwars – I think that the Borg would have been more interesting.

    ‘Resistance is futile’ would be refreshing..