Written By:
- Date published:
11:26 am, February 4th, 2010 - 11 comments
Categories: humour, john key, Minister for Overseas Holidays -
Tags: do nothing, dom post
Saw this in the new culture/humour page in the Dom:
Glad to see the “do-nothing PM” as Rodney Hide called John Key doing plenty of late. Take the past fortnight for example; there’s been the barbecue and beer with Prince William, photo ops with punters at the Wellington races, and a ribbon-cutting ceremony and practice swing at the new Millbrook golf course. His enthusiasm for a bit of hard yakka seems to have rubbed off on some of this ministers as well, what with Paula Bennett doing her bit at the AC/DC gig in Wellington. It’s tough running the country, but someone’s got to do it.
I think that’s grossly unfair. The guy’s just back from an three exhausting weeks in Hawaii. Needs a break. Plus, he always looks like he’s having such a good time when he’s skiving off .
And it’s not like that’s all he’s done. Dude’s also spent $200,000 of our money on propaganda for his most useless minister’s crappy policy.
Seriously though. No-one’s against PMs and ministers doing some fun stuff. Problem is when that’s all they do. Like they say “it’s tough running the country, but someone’s got to do it“. 250,000 jobless Kiwis need a government that will put in the hard yards for them.
Yeah and we all know that labour mp’s sat in their offcies 24/7.
The writing here is getting worse and worse, you have supprased Faux News in your bias.
Brett: “Seriously though. No-one’s against PMs and ministers doing some fun stuff. Problem is when that’s all they do. “
Actually I believe that Helen Clark’s aides used to breath a sigh of relief when she finally took a holiday because they could too.
John Key is in good company though. George Bush was famous for mass holidays on his ranch.
Not the sort of company I would call good of course…or keep.
…Helen Clark’s aides used to breath a sigh of relief when she finally took a holiday…
Correct. So did her activists in the electorate as well.
Apparently the British press have picked up on the story:
@magoo. Not the sort of company I’d keep either. Look into her eyes if you dare…
That has to be worth a caption contest. Surely And not for Tolley. John Sleaze Key looks like an out of focus ‘banality of evil’ personified
One word: prune
ok ok…two words, one for the dopey looking jerk in the back
Prune & Stoner
Isn’t that a butcher’s apron Key is posing in? Is he looking for a hobby job that he can play at while holidaying? It’s a pity he knows little history – the french royal family used to enjoy dressing up as shepherds and shepherdesses before they lost their heads. Could be awarning here.
Look out for another hastily arranged ‘jobs summit’,
….creating quality employment opportunities for sandwich makers and servers.