Written By:
- Date published:
8:19 pm, September 25th, 2010 - 20 comments
Categories: labour -
Tags: david clark, dunedin north
Standardista spies in Dunedin report that the Labour candidate selection process — to replace long serving MP Pete Hodgson — finished recently.
The campaign was vigorous but good natured, and all three candidates acquitted themselves well at the selection meeting.
Congratulations to David Clark, who was selected as the candidate. Given the solid Southern wisdom of Dunedin voters, and the well organised electorate that Pete Hodgson has run, it is likely that David will become an MP at the next election.
David looks to have an interesting background. An active Reverend, a PhD in Theology, some experience in Treasury and working with David Parker. Currently Warden of Selwyn College. Check out his web site for background and some blog entries. One to watch.
David Clark’s brother, Ben is likely to be Labour’s North Shore candidate. It’s his first time as a candidate, and he will be another one to watch in the coming years.
I forsee a battle with the rainbow wing – say next time a prostitution or gay rights bill comes up…
There’s a pretty wide range of diversity of faith these days Jeremy. I wouldn’t leap to any conclusions.
So he’s a St Matthew’s pretend Reverend..?
One to watch? Maybe. But with the sole exception of Jim Bolger New Zealand hasn’t elected a non Auckland PM since 1972; We’ve only elected two South Island PM’s since 1935.
Given the ever growing relative importance of the Queen City, if you are not from Auckland you can never aspire to the highest office in modern NZ politics.
Eaaaasy there big fella – who said anything about PM?
And on the Auckland thing, I think you’re wrong. There will be non Auckland PMs.
Sanctuary… you realise that stanley(key) is from christchurch, don’t you? he lives in auckland now, but that is simply an expedient.
Nah, Key is from Helensville.
Anyone notice the resemblance to another Reverend from Dunedin who got involved in politics – Sir Arnold Nordmeyer?
The ACT candidate will likely be Hilary Calvert – that could be fun.
If anyone can understand what the hell she’s rambling about.
Has anyone checked that isn’t a pic of Paul Ego deressed-up as a politician?
Paul Ego and Kerre Woodham in Parliament…
We’re becoming Kali-forn-ia…
Who is this guy & where has he been?
His creditials look amazing, and for someone who looks so young (Perhaps he has just aged well)
He appears a great “potential” MP for Dunedin, pity he could not be persuaded to move to a more northern location, then again the further he is removed from Wellington and Jafaland perhaps the better he will perform.
David’s been working pretty hard in the local community in Dunedin last few years, and is very well known in some local circles. Circles about to get much bigger now of course. Labour in Dunedin North is extremely glad that we had such strong candidates like David willing to stand and give their best for us.
I heard rumours of wrangling in this candidate being selected from some of the younger members of the party. Comments about the choice being influenced by age more than value as a candidate. Got anything to say about that?
It is a strange term that JAFA… It seems to me that people have the wrong ideas about what Aucklanders do with their time.
Personally I’d never noticed much more screwing around in Auckland than in the rest of NZ when I’ve lived in various locations around the country.
Fuck, anyone is better than chicken dance man.