Written By:
- Date published:
1:18 pm, September 23rd, 2017 - 13 comments
Categories: democratic participation, election 2017, journalism, Media, news, radio, The Standard, youtube -
Tags: #isitoveryet?
The Electoral Commission’s website will be updated from 7pm.
Official New Zealand election results.
The 2017 General Election will be held on Saturday 23 September 2017. Preliminary election results will become available here progressively from 7:00pm on election night.
Targets for release of the preliminary election results are:
- by 8:30pm all advance vote results
- by 10:00pm results from 50% of voting places
- by 11:30pm results from 100% of voting places
The Electoral Commission aims to have the official results for the 2017 General Election published here on Saturday 7 October.
There will be some posts up on The Standard from 7pm (links later).
Any posts during the day up until 7pm will be fully moderated to meet the electoral law restrictions on not promoting political parties or who to vote for on election day.
RadioNZ will have live video, web and radio coverage with John Campbell, Guyon Espiner, Jane Patterson, Mihingarangi Forbes.
John Campbell will host our election night programme from our studio in Auckland, while Guyon Espiner will be across town at the state of the art, multi-camera television set-up at the University of Auckland, where he’ll be unpicking the results with a panel of experts. They’ll include former New Zealand First cabinet minister and National MP Tau Henare, former Labour cabinet minister Clayton Cosgrove, former Greens leader Russel Norman, Victoria University political scientist Dr Maria Bargh, UMR executive director Stephen Mills, National Party advisor Brigitte Morten, and political scientist and columnist Dr Bryce Edwards.
TV Freeview Channel 50 and Face TV on Sky Channel 83
Web livestream rnz.co.nz, Facebook or YouTube
Radio 101.3 or 101.7 FM
Live blog rnz.co.nz
RNZ on Twitter.
Māori TV will be broadcasting on television, livestream and via the Iwi Radio Network.
On election night September 23, Māori Television will broadcast live from 7pm. Anchors Oriini Kaipara, Matai Smith and Heta Gardiner will be crossing to multiple reporters and crew across the country.
In studio, our expert panel of Dame Tariana and Sir Mark will be joined by seasoned broadcasters to dissect the incoming results. A second studio youth panel with anchor Kawe Roes will canvass social media and whether young New Zealanders actually made a difference.
The Spinoff online and on Twitter.
#LeftwithEnough is the hashtag from the bi-weekly leftwing twitter chat on twitter from the past few months. There will be use of the hashtag on Saturday night.
No doubt TV3 will have some good coverage including impressive graphics and political commenters, but that has to be weighed up against the presence of Patrick Gower and Matthew Hooton. I’d say both warrant a boycott. Also, this is the first election since John Campbell left, just saying.
TVNZ will have the wonderful Hillary Barry. But it will also have Hoskings. Enough said. I’m sure they will have some good political commentators too, but I can’t find their election night coverage page on their website so I assume they’re not that interested in having people making choices about watching online.
If you have any other interesting outlets please share them in the comments. Would be good to have some Facebook links especially where the conversation might be engaging and thought-provoking.
RNZ for me this time around – have watched TV3 in the past, but as you say, Paddy Gower and particularly Matthew Hooten is enough to say ‘Yeah, Nah’.
Might be worth it to watch Hooton squirm during Jacinda’s victory speech.
From memory the government’s election website has a pretty good running total of the all-important Party Vote totals.
Duh! Forgot about the EC site, will put the link in, cheers.
You’ll need
Rather than the election commission site
Yep, got that one.
I heard today that all people advance voting and enrolling at the same time will be treated as a Special Vote. Special Votes are counted later and do not form part of the result tomorrow.
This may be important because it is probable that many of these people are in the 18-24 bracket and will favour the Left. Separate from this, Special Votes always favour the Left so if the vote is close tomorrow we may all have to wait for what may well be very-left-leaning Special Votes.
Specials tend to favour the Greens too I think.
Thanks Weka.
For a pleasant change I am not doing anything apart from tending this site tomorrow.
It has been worrying me with some of the temperature spikes when we get peak traffic.
So I will hang around getting ready for the bursts of traffic in the evening and fully moderating one or more posts to make sure they don’t violate the Election Commission guidelines.
The first of them will go up in the morning after I have a few cups of coffee.
I’ve been getting quite a few of those pages with the error message about accessing the site too much.
Aotea centre for me!
Are we open yet?
So people who enrolled and voted at the same time in advance booths, their votes will be treated as special votes, and they won’t be counted tonight.
RNZ for me. Quite calming.