Enough considering already!

When first writing about my thoughts on Phil Goff’s speech little did I realise that it was turning into an ongoing issue! Perhaps some closer consideration should have been given to the ‘internal communication’ – the speech now appears as a stand-alone issue (although maybe that counts as ‘got headlines – tick?), distracting from the policy points he was trying to make.

NZ Herald: Labour’s president, Andrew Little, revealed yesterday that he has “personal concerns” about the speech. Mr Little told the Herald the speech had received a “mixed response” from the party’s rank-and-file…It has left some in the party uncomfortable and Mr Goff is expected to have to explain it to some MPs at this week’s caucus meeting

Fran O’Sullivan: What is it about Phil Goff that he sounds rehearsed even when he isn’t? At full flight in Parliament he can be hugely impressive. But get him in front of a television or radio interviewer – or even a print journalist – he switches into robotic style.

So the last few week of the House will be filled by roars of derision from the Government benches. At a time when really the focus should be on the lack of leadership from the Prime Minister over Copenhagen, it’s the leader of the opposition who’s ending up in the headlines.

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