For what it’s Worth

John Key on whether Brendan Horan has the moral right to stay in Parliament: “I don’t think he would do if Winston Peters can really put up the arguments that he is that whatever he (Horan) has done is so bad that he deserves to be expelled from the party and has really bought (sic) Parliament into disrepute, but the issue is: can and will he prove that?”.

So, if you can work out what Key’s saying, it’s that Peters has to explain why he has fired Horan.

Can anyone say: Richard Worth?

Worth wasn’t just some nobody backbencher. He was a Minister of the Crown. Key drummed him out of the government and out of Parliament, and never ever told us why. Worth reminds the only Minister of the Crown ever fired without an explanation being provided to the public.

Please, let there be some journo or MP worth their salt who will repeat the above quote (or a more lucid version) back to Key and challenge him to apply the same standard to the Worth case. Unfortunately, it seems no-one in that stand-up thought to ask, but there’s plenty of opportunities in the next few days.

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