Gay marriage – what is wrong with us

Gay marriage. There’s been plenty of coverage in the American media, with echoes here in NZ. As reported by 3 News last night, it looks set to become a “key election issue” in the Obama vs Romney presidential contest.

How utterly depressing. There are major issues facing the world (climate change, peak oil, the ongoing financial mess, the fair allocation of resources, planning for a sustainable future). There are major issues facing America (poverty, unemployment, the hollowing out of its industrial sector, the legacy of its failed and ongoing wars). There are major issues anywhere one cares to look, and yet, one of the defining issues in the contest to lead the most powerful (?) nation in the world will be squabbling about whether consenting adults can legally state their love.

Why is this even a discussion? How is this even a debate? There is no question mark in the title of the post. That gay marriage can be an election issue defines what is wrong with what we have collectively allowed politics to be come. It defines what is wrong with us.

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