GCSB protest – Auckland tonight

To say that the GCSB law changes are misguided is the kindest possible interpretation, but many people including myself tend to view them as being quite malevolent. They aren’t going to provide any more security for citizens and residents here. But they are going to provide more security for incompetents in the security and police forces from both public and legal scrutiny.

If they pass in parliament (the select committee reports back on the 26th), then they will pass with the narrowest of majorities. The public figleaf and whatever grotty hidden deal Peter Dunne carved out for himself (to no-one’s surprise except possibly to his increasingly erratic self), are meaningless in terms of the intent of this bill because it is simply a bad bill. The range of people who are opposed to this particularly bad and obscenely hurried legislation speaks for itself.

Which is why there will be a public protests at 2pm on the 27th and a protest meeting at the Mt Albert War Memorial tomorrow.

Updated: This meeting will be streamed live apparently. I’ll put up the details when I find them out.

Video On Demand: Stop The GCSB Bill Public Meeting

Updated: it is packed, and people are still incoming.

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