Written By:
lprent - Date published:
12:14 pm, March 2nd, 2010 - 9 comments
Categories: auckland supercity, democracy under attack -
The select committee considering the 3rd super-shitty bill is sitting in Parnell now. There is a protest against the Rodney Hide, and Auckland Transition Authority (basically some arseholes hand-picked by Rodney to screw the city over) vision for Auckland. There was a high level of support for the super-city after the Royal Commission reported. The way that disintegrated is due to the appalling way that National and Act have locked Aucklanders out of having any significant say in their city before, during and after this change.
This latest ‘consultation’ is simply a toothless sham. Even Aucklands National MPs sitting on the select committee are going to be forced to ignore the 800 odd submissions. It is clear that the government that they are a part of is going to ignore any significant changes to the scheme (they will of course trumpet some minor trivialities as PR spin).
The next time you’re going to have a chance to show these dickheads what you think is when we kick Rodney out of his Epsom seat, and consign the Act party to oblivion. So vent some of your anger now. I’m annoyed I will not be able to get there….
Time: March 2, 2010 from 12pm to 2pm
Location: Quality Hotel Barrycourt, 20 Gladstone Road Parnell Auckland
in AA they talk about hiding a bad motive behind a good one.
in this case it is high blown fly blown political rhetoric used to disguise the siezure of assets held in common and the transfer of these assets to private people.
and if that one doesnt wash immediately then at least a mamgement contract to keep the wolf from the door.
Aucklands National MP’s = Auckland’s National MPs
Fixed. The english language could really really do with a good compiler for silly syntax errors.
About now would be a good time for the original Royal Commissioners to wade in and make a stink about how little this legislation reflects their recommendations
Agreed. I think that they’d find this exercise made in their names a total travesty.
I can’t finf any media reports on this.
Good turn out was it?
“I can’t finf any media reports on this.”
How many attended?
the crux of the matter as far as I am concerned is the assertion from Mike Lee on RadioNZthat over half a billion of ratepayers dollars will be handed over annually to an unelected cabal to spend on our behalf with no democratic inspection.
is that really demockasee?