God, she writes like she talks

TVOne reports:
Claims by Social Development Minister Paula Bennett that increasing the cost of tobacco could result in family violence are “pure speculation” according to one expert.

In official papers released to ONE News, it’s emerged Bennett had concerns in February there would be an increase in family violence as a result the tax hike.

“Because of that sort of addiction it can be really tough on them and you see, certainly, financial hardship being increased and I think also with that sort of stress you can look at domestic violence,” Bennett said in a letter to Associate Health Minister Tariana Turia.
Ok, Bennett’s point is bollocks but I’m more interested in her writing. I’m sorry, but I don’t think that sentence would pass the national standard.

Bennett’s got this weird semantic structure all of her own where tenses change at random, everything is ‘sort of’ vague as if she ‘sort of’ doesn’t know what she’s talking about and is ‘sort of’ making things up.

Maybe she wasn’t joking when she said her greatest academic achievement was third equal in synchronised swimming.

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