Key decked over supercity

A much better performance from Goff today in the House today. Finally, after weeks of fluffing, he managed to score a direct hit on Key.

Goff’s questions on the Auckland supercity had Key denying the obvious, that the people of Auckland do not like his government’s supercity and do not believe they have been adequately consulted on the plan. We also learnt that Key hasn’t talked with Rodney Hide about his suggestion that the supercity council should sell Aucklanders’ public assets to pay the costs of setting it up. Key must be comfortable with that happening.

Finally, too, Key was forced to admit he is against giving Aucklanders their referendum.

Key’s excuses? The same old rubbish that every competent political commentator has long dismissed.

Key continued made an arse of himself trying to tack on smart arse comments to his answers. It was cute when he was opposition leader but its just not fitting for a PM, it makes him look like a child playing at big boys’ games.

He ended up burning himself anyway. The opposition was laughing at one of his poor answers so he put his snarky tone and said to Goff “That is one of the things that New Zealanders liked about the former Prime Minister—at least she knew her mind”…

…um, unlike the current one?

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