Goldman Sachs. Global Inc?

Interesting piece in today’s Glasgow Herald on the appointment of Mark Carney as the new governor of The Bank of England. It’s what you might call ‘out of step’. For most of this week, UK press commentary on his appointment has been fairly gushing. But then, the UK Tories love him. The UK Labour Party loves him. Everybody loves him. He’s a lovely man – lovely enough to accept responsiblity for Canada being fairly succesful in negotiating the initial phases of the global financial collapse. The fact that Canadian banks were subject to regulations that barred them from speculating in the same manner as others is, in case you were wondering, beside the point.

Mark Carney’s ‘the biz’ you see. So the former Goldman Sachs advisor to the Russian Government in the 90’s (and we all know how well that worked out) and current chair of the G20’s  ‘Financial Stability Forum’ is now ‘the Guv’ of the Bank of England.

Don’t those tentacles do a fair bit of snaggling in the ebbs and flows of financial currents? From the US Treasury and Federal Reserve to the European Central Bank and the World Bank. From elected and unelected Prime Ministerial positions in Greece and Italy to prominant positions of national  influence in such places as Ireland, Canada and now the UK (plus how many other ‘under the radar’ appointments and influences?) And all, it seems, acting in one way or another (and it must be said, with the quiet acquiescence of  elected politicians) to feed the insatiable maw that is Goldman Sachs.

Oh, for a sperm whale.

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