Grant Robertson campaign launch

Written By: - Date published: 1:59 pm, October 15th, 2014 - 50 comments
Categories: grant robertson - Tags:

50 comments on “Grant Robertson campaign launch ”

  1. SHG 1

    Do we get to play [r0b: we get to play leave family out of it]

    [lprent: I think that if I see him trying that particular trope again (He was doing it on Parker earlier) then I’ll just ban him until after the leadership vote is complete. Gets rid of the work.

    It appears to be simpler than slapping the morality bigot down. ]

    • One Anonymous Bloke 1.1

      I for one hope that Lprent is keeping a record of hate speech identities in the remote possibility that in the future they might become useful to law enforcement agencies.

      • SHG 1.1.1

        Lol calm down boys, I don’t actually care where he is. Just teasing. Hell, I know lots of “people like Grant”.

        I actually feel sorry for him; being revealed as a liar in such a blatant fashion has to be kinda embarrassing. That video isn’t going away.

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          Yes, your inability to link to it speaks volumes about you.

          • SHG

            Oh I didn’t realise that was required. For context:

            • One Anonymous Bloke

              So far as I’m concerned, as a straight man, I’d rather we persecute and destroy homophobes than give you any more quarter. Just so we’re absolutely crystal clear, be careful not to reveal your beliefs in public, you never know where I might be listening.

              • SHG

                Sorry for the confusion, when I wrote “people like Grant” I was actually referring to “self-centred ambitious backstabbers”.

        • Clemgeopin

          What is revealing and obnoxious and unfair is you and that reporter that was trying to pry into his completely private and personal affair without showing any respect or consideration to his and his partner’s privacy. Don’t you get it, fool?

          • One Anonymous Bloke

            Whether it’s obnoxious or unfair is beside the point, which it that it’s evidence of SHG’s criminal malice. As a Green supporter, Grant Robertson is my last choice for Labour leader, and if his candidacy helps weed out and punish low-life scum like SHG that’d be great.

  2. BLiP 2

    Why is this a post and not a comment in the Open Mike? Still, now that its up (for what ever reason) if anyone is actually intending on going, come and see me at the Classic and Custom Bike Swap – mention the phrase “The Standard” and I’ll better what ever price/swap we might have managed to barter.

    • wekarawshark 2.1

      I’m guessing it’s a post because it’s of interest to lots of people. Not everyone reads OM, and stuff gets lost there.

  3. Karen 3

    I am hoping there will be a Q & A as there was for Andrew Little for all leadership candidates.

    • Lanthanide 3.1

      That’s up to the candidates themselves. TS is always willing for politicians to post here.

      • One Anonymous Bloke 3.1.1

        One reason to respect Dr. Mapp.

        • Lanthanide

          It is of course much easier to comment in unofficial channels when your neck’s not on the line.

          Micky had to watch what he said, and he’s not even an MP…

          • One Anonymous Bloke

            One reason to distrust Dr. Mapp no matter how much you respect his contributions.

            • newsense

              I suspect Mapp is part of a an organised establishment blog presence. It’s a good idea tactically and certainly puts his side in a better light than if it were just trolls reppn the right here.

              • One Anonymous Bloke

                It’s possible you may be crediting right wingers with more strategic nous than they in fact possess.

                • Clemgeopin

                  It’s possible you may be crediting right wingers with more strategic nous than they in fact possess

                  Don’t under estimate the dirty or cunning tactics of those crooks.

        • RedbaronCV

          Mapp doesn’t answer questions just comes over here to tell us what we should think. i.e pretty much what he thinks. Lotta “bow down to the imperial overlord there” methinks

  4. Clemgeopin 4

    Good luck to you Grant. May the best candidate win for the good of the Labour party, the people and the country.

    • left for deadshark 4.1

      Thats a good idea,Q & A can be a bit limiting,but it will show all the candidates,that most people here are fair and respectful of their limited time.

  5. Ron 5

    Why on earth hold a political launch in a pub?
    Surely someone could have found a better place.
    maybe not!?

  6. Clean_power 6

    Grant is about to announce on Saturday that Jacinta Ardern will be his deputy. A very good move that could clinch it for the Robertson candidacy.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 6.1

      Right wing shill claims inside track to Labour party. Poison is king.

    • Skinny 6.2

      If that happens Grant wins, simple as that really. I can work with that case scenario. Grant is a great speaker and all rounder. The negative maybe does it solve the deadwood issue?

    • ABR 6.3

      “Clinch it”, really. Jacinda is known on the right of the party as “My little pony”. ANd Robinson is a smarmy son of a gun who thinks he is more cleverer than he is. We all know how he stitched up Shearer and snuck out the back while SHearer hung himself. Not cool and that stuff sticks. I know one thing for sure, if Robinson gets elected, and he loses 2017 (and he will), I think Adern will do a “CLark” (stab Mike Moore in the back and refuse to take his calls) on Robinson, that will be fun!

  7. Rawmadness Natshark 7

    Slogans interesting Grant, new generation, ok seeing as supports been dwindling ever since labour thought it could do better being centrist you go for it.

    I’m of the minority who wants Labour back to being based on it’s founding ideals, a party for the workingman basically.

    If you succeed, please don’t forget us at least. I am well underpaid for the hard work I do, it would be nice to see people paid what they are worth, not what they can get away with for once.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 7.1

      I don’t mean to burst your bubble, and I can’t help noticing that during Lab5, the median wage increased as did the minimum.

  8. Rawmadness Natshark 8

    What bubble in your mind would that be OAB?

    How has anything I said got anything to do with Lab5 whatever that was, and the current pay for a machinist in a rising costs economy today.

    Yep what bubble in your mind are you waffling on about?

    • One Anonymous Bloke 8.1

      You criticised the NZLP as having moved away from its founding ideals, so I pointed out that the last time they occupied the treasury benches* things got better for working people (according to govt stats, they also got better for our poorest citizens).

      So perhaps we’re talking at cross purposes, and on the face of it, according to the NZLP’s track record, I don’t think your accusation holds water.

      *Lab5 = fifth Labour government = 1999 – 2008

  9. Rawmadness Natshark 9

    So what your trying to tell me is during their 5th term things got better, how much compared to how much they workers rights and pay has been eroded since and before. I used to get 5 bucks an hour in the 80’s now I get almost 17, I must admit things have gotten better eh.

    No I wasn’t blaming Labour for the loss of my rights or pay equality, I was on about them returning to what they believe in , Because, my pay and rights have been eroded and I feel they don’t stand for the working man anymore. Centrist.

    Hope that clears my intent up for you, wouldn’t want you automatically assuming stuff and popping off. You might have a stroke old man.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 9.1

      I’m curious: since the rises in the minimum and median wage during their fifth term apparently isn’t evidence that they’ve returned to their ideals, what would be?

      Or are you just writing cheques you can’t cash?

  10. Colonial Rawshark 10

    Increases in the minimum wage are nothing more than a weak, temporary stop gap measure. This becomes very clear when the structure of, and leverage within, the larger economy has been left unchanged. To the disadvantage of ordinary workers and to the advantage of big capital.

  11. paddy 11

    19,000 electorate votes and only 9,000 Party Votes. Robertson will be ranked bottom of my list. Traitor.

    • Roztoz 11.1

      Please refer to my response in the Andrew endorsement page. Your logic is flawed. Popular Grant+toxic Labour brand in left-wing electorate≠traitor.

    • Sirenia 11.2

      Can I remind you that Wellington Central is not a ‘natural’ Labour seat. It was a long time National Party seat until 1981 and since then has been won at times by Act (Richard Prebble) and National. Even in the 1972 Kirk landslide it stayed National. Only Labour now because of some extremely hard working local MPs who can inspire large teams of LP activists. Marian Hobbs won it for Labour from Act in the 1990s and now Grant has it. Voters are Nats or Greens who like Grant as their electorate MP as they know he works hard for all the constituents. It is actually a model that other Labour candidates in right wing electorates could borrow.

      • Colonial Rawshark 11.2.1

        Labour was no 1 or no 2 in the party vote in Wellington Central since the advent of MMP. During Hobb’s tenure it became a very strong Labour party voting seat, yes due to her ability to mobilise and organise at the party grassroots. Only under Grant has it slid to no 3, to even less than the dismal election night party vote result of just over 25%.

        Should this poor result be put solely on Grant’s door step? Of course not, a low party vote result has many factors contributing to it, not just the performance of one man.

        Problem is, people like Grant Robertson and David Parker are more than happy to dump the blame on David Cunliffe’s doorstep.

  12. Clemgeopin 12

    I agree that it is a little unfair to blame a winning electoral candidate for a lower party vote, just as it is very unfair to blame an extremely hard working Cunliffe under very difficult circumstances to be blame for the Labour party election loss.

    • leftie 12.1

      +100 @Clemgeopin

    • Colonial Rawshark 12.2

      Interesting juxtaposition eh.

      • Clemgeopin 12.2.1

        LOL. I sort of knew I had interestingly juxtapositioned,

        .. but also possibly murdered English (no, not the d.dipper) to boot, but didn’t bother to change the structure as I knew readers will get the gist of what my mind was trying to say when I said, ‘unfair to blame an extremely hard working Cunliffe under very difficult circumstances to be blame’!

  13. Sirenia 13

    Best wishes to Grant for his campaign launch in Auckland tomorrow.