Written By:
notices and features - Date published:
10:45 am, August 10th, 2017 - 90 comments
Categories: benefits, class war, election 2017, greens, Maori Issues, welfare -
Tags: #IamMetiria, #IstandwithMetiria, marama davidson.
Well thank goodness for that. Go Marama Davidson. Go the greens. The fight goes on. Nothing has changed.
Davidson will get my vote for the next female coleader of the GP. Though she does run up against many of the; “Mr Rightwing” rules to survive politics:
I predict she will be the next female co-leader of the Greens despite some other very good candidates. She’s thrives in politics and has the sort of feisty attitude that is needed.
Genter would likely be Davidson’s main competition for the role, but her accent is a bit of a liability (not her fault, but people can be shallow – the immigrant line was constantly hurled at Norman). Sage is probably too experienced to put herself up as such a target for vitriol. Logie would be good, but is a bit far back on the list (now up one to 6, with Davidson’s 2 & Genter’s 3).
Me too. Manama for PM!
I have had no doubt that the Greens would continue the fight to end poverty in this country; just as they are fully committed to cleaning up our rivers and renewing our environment and biodiversity; and undertaking the enormous task of addressing all the matters of climate change, and bringing this country to Carbon Neutrality by 2050.
Kia Kaha Metiria, Marama, James, et al.
Bryce Edwards”
He then has a pic of what he edited out. Gives rise to serious thought and how people, confronted with the reality of our welfare system, scampered back into their safe hole.
I thought I saw another tweet saying middle classes loved I Daniel Blake cos he died in the end.
haven’t yet seen it myself.
Bryce Edwards is an interesting one. He’s almost in the camp of good journos but he also shit stirs. That tweet looks like shit stirring to me (haven’t seen the original article). Plenty of Labour people supporting MT so it’s an easy slur for him to make which is the same old shit – journo with inside knowledge knows what is really going on 🙄
Trying to remember where he fell in the Dirty Politics scheme of things.
Connecting poverty and environment should not be so hard to do. damp homes. burning plastic by homeless. it’s the economy stupid! Efficient use of resources is why poverty reduction couples with environmentalist to increase wealth.
Take portable water, it’s inefficient to use pure pristine drinkable water from a accredited spring on horticulture when plants like a bit of nutrient in with the water. Hand in hand taxing high quality water incentivises the market to not waste portable water and so raises the price for farmers to think clearly about planting trees on ridge lines and so raise the water table create a water resource beneath their farms, unless of course they have not crafted… …better economy means better outcomes for all which alienates poverty. as near anyone can plant trees, that attract visitors and grows local jobs.. ..etc. But polluting and not incentivizing usage like we do with rich high quality seams of gold, cold, etc where we tax…
Marama proudly comes from the SJW side of the Greens. I have been in debates with her to know that is what moves her most.
But I would thought the poll results would show that doubling down on that is quite a risk for the Greens, especially if that message is so dominant that it crowds out the environmental message. After all the party is the Green party. That should show where it should focus most.
Yes, the Greens can continue to listen to their echo chamber to the exclusion of everything else, but I personally would expect professional politicians to be a bit more objective, to look at actual evidence. And I would have thought that evidence is now in.
Of course you will just say the I am of the right, therefore any views that I have are necessarily biased. However, I did say three weeks ago that Metiria should have accepted that what she did was wrong and made a unilateral payment to WINZ. If she had she would still be there. Not that many people are critical of the events of 23 years ago. It is the way it has been handled over the last three weeks; changing stories, no contriteness, “#IstandwithMetiria” that actually did the damage.
Anyway it is your party. You can do whatever you want. But do you want the Greens in parliament? Continuing to focus on this issue runs the risk that the Greens may not be. Even Chris Trotter, among others now sees this as a risk.
[off topic. You are now banned from commenting on this post. I’m leaving your comment in place rather than moving it to Open Mike because people have replied. But take this as a warning Wayne, this isn’t a free for all for you to comment your RW reckons about what people should do about whatever you think is important. Pay attention to what the posts are about. Don’t troll. If you are unsure where the boundaries are, ask and/or err on the side of caution or comment in OM. – weka]
Yes I know you, and your lot, are more than happy to throw the homeless and dispossessed under a bus Wayne, just as was Labour, and all the “righteous” media and blowhards who have never had to walk the walk of the poor. After all being in power is far more important than standing up for what is right.
I would remind you of the words of Hosea: 4 3-4
Macro and KJT,
I think you have forgotten that the Deputy Prime Minister has complete knowledge of the difficulties of being on the DPB. That kind of personal knowledge is not the exclusive preserve of the left.
I also have no doubt that the experience informed the policy choices the DPM made when she was the Minister of Social Development. Certainly I was not going to contest her policy choices. I fully accepted that she could effectively draw on her personal experience to know what works, and what does not.
How about following the evidence. “but that is not how we do policy in New Zealand” Eh. Wayne?
I see nothing to dispute the idea that Bennett has totally forgotten what she did on the benefit, and is happy to please her political mates, by shitting on beneficiaries, so they can cut taxes.
” Deputy Prime Minister has complete knowledge of the difficulties of being on the DPB.”
What years was she on the DPB Wayne? Was it before your government reduced to rate to below the poverty level?
“What years was she on the DPB Wayne? Was it before your government reduced to rate to below the poverty level?”
Wayne tends not to answer any questions that involve facts.
The “Mother of All Budgets” that slashed welfare rates was implemented by National in 1991. Apparently National had advice at the time that these rates were less than what was needed to survive.
Paula Bennett became a solo mother in 1986 , and so enjoyed state support at a level far in excess of the level to which her party later reduced it.
And yet she seems to be suffering selective amnesia
Fran OSullivan could perhaps have another look at her interview notes and remind her
In 2012 she wrote in the Herald about Bennett ..paraphrase…
There is no doubt that Bennett knew how to play the system to her advantage. And good on her .Lets face it , at that time rorting the welfare system was more or less a national sport
That’s a useful bit of archiving fr. Thanks, good one.
+ 1 yep listen to Wayne if you want more gnats –
more poverty and desperation, more homelessness and deprivation, more inequality and dirty liars running the show.
Of course it would be very convenient for the right wing if, Greens forgot that you cannot have a sustainable environment, without a sustainable society.
The blackmail and witch hunts, of anyone who puts their head above the parapet, about the right wings evil and punitive treatment of the poor, is obviously becoming a feature of the right wing narrative.
The only thing the Greens are guilty of, is underrating the amount of bad faith, mysgony, racism, unjustified vilification of the poor, creepy interest in condemning youg mothers and lack of compassion, in the right wing media and New Zealand establishment.
So. Wayne. To another self righteous twat. Again. [RL: Deleted. Not needed]. You were in a position to make life better for New Zealanders, and you made it infinitely worse.
Metiria tried to make things better.
Wayne, your belief that Meteria should have been more contrite is interesting in comparison with Todd Barclay’s highly arrogant denials over his taping saga. And all the changing stories from him and the PM. Haven’t heard any regrets from those quarters. Any comment in that regard?
Waiting for Waynes contritness over the billions of dollars his Government has lost tax payers.
How about the billion to bail out SCF!!!!
I thought Meteria jumped cos she gave the election authorities a false address.
nah. That’s a storm in a tea cup. She was never a serious candidate back in the 1990s – standing for the McCillicudy Serious Party was a protest against our electoral system. And the statute of limitation on that is long gone. Would not be prosecuted now.
SJW, really? Did you just get back here from shitposting on Reddit or 4chan?
Marama represents core green values, which includes addressing both environmental and poverty concerns.
So your concern trolling is inherently nonsense. The Greens will listen to their members on what they should focus on, not someone like you who wants them to fail.
He often posts shit from there – trying to be a hip alt right and failing.
My assumption is that anyone who uses the term SJW unironically is declaring themselves to be an; Antisocial Injustice Collaborator. This seems to be the description that naturally opposes; Social Justice Warrior. Also AIC sounds midway between; ache and ick, which seems appropriate.
Do you feel that term this accurately describes you?
Very good Dspare!
Thank you Wayne. For the most part I’ve not much quibble with your comment as far as it expresses your perspective accurately.
Still it would be better received if you had not so lightly dismissed the motives at work here. It is a fundamental Green movement premise that the health of the environment and human society are tightly, mutually bound up with each other.
Well the right now has Turei’s political scalp; but I advise caution. There will be many who’ve quietly watched this drama unfold having long second thoughts about the manner in which she was destroyed.
Wayne, please read the moderation note above. You are now banned from commenting in this post.
RWNJ shows fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be Green.
Why would you expect that? National never does. If they did then we’d have got rid of cars decades ago and had decent trains and public transport. They wouldn’t have been selling off our power companies.
Of course, the Green MPs and members do take into account reality and that’s the real problem you have with them.
Where is the Davidson quote in the post from?
I couldn’t find it, but found this tweet from Davidson from last night:
For me, the GP election result in 2014 had this major success – it delivered Davidson to the House, to get some valuable experience. She hit the ground running in the House, and out of it since then.
She is the kind of leader I could support.
GP list sans Turei will have Davidson at #2
Jack McDonald will be an asset – now at #11
Metiria Turei(Standing for electorate only- Te Tai Tonga)James Shaw (Wellington Central)
Marama Davidson (Tamaki Makaurau)
Julie Anne Genter (Mt Albert)
Eugenie Sage (Port Hills)
Gareth Hughes (East Coast)
Jan Logie (Mana)
Kennedy Graham (North Shore)Chlöe Swarbrick (Maungakiekie)
Golriz Ghahraman (Te Atatu)
Mojo Mathers (Rangitata)
Barry Coates (Epsom)
Jack McDonald (Te Tai Hauauru)
John Hart (Wairarapa)
Denise Roche (Auckland Central)
Quote is near the start of the video (slight mistake in the actual quote).
Thanks, weka. The vid isn’t showing on my FF browser since I installed some privacy blockers – can now see it on safari.
That vid really looks like Davidson stepping up to #2 position and showing some leadership in a moment of grief, and confirming the resolve to continue Turei’s & the GP’s campaign.
In the vid Davidson says:
I’ve had some issues too (WordPress updates affected things). I’ll amend the post with a link.
Thanks for reminding me to factor that in (in a comment up at 1.1etc I used the old rankings by habit until I saw yours and hastily edited). So Roche is up to 13 now, and even if seat allocation is less favoured with redistribution than in 2014 (TOP being unlikely to match the CP + IMP), she should still squeak in, if the vote holds steady with new voters replacing those who go over to Labour.
According to RNZ National midday news, Kennedy Graham is now in talks to get back on the list. If this happens, I will not be voting Green.
I posted this in OM earlier,
I just listened and here is what I heard James Shaw say (my paraphrasing):
– Clendon doesn’t want back in.
– Graham might
– it’s up to the Party to sort that out, and the appropriate staff (national executive) are looking at it.
– Shaw himself can’t see how it would work because of the raw feelings in the caucus from what Graham and Clendon did only a few days ago.
– Graham is hugely experienced on climate change and Shaw has a lot of respect for him
– the party is bigger than any one person
– the party has a number of people very experienced on climate change
The thing to understand about the GP is that the leader doesn’t get to dictate stuff. There are processes to work through and it’s not Shaw’s place to pre-determine what that will be.
http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/political/336863/greens-tough-week-entirely-recoverable-shaw Relevant bit starts at 30 secs.
My own feeling is that Graham should do what Norman and Hague did and go get himself a kick arse NGO job that allows him to be political on CC. I hope the party say not to having him back because of the betrayal and because of the message it would send to Māori and poor people.
I really wish people would start trusting the Greens more and listen to what they say. I know this is hard, but mostly everything that the MSM say is based on them not really understand the kaupapa.
Yes Weka totally agree wholeheartedly with what you say – it’s a very accurate description of the situation as it stands right now.
I’ve been over at the Green party website candidate list (mainly to have a look at some of the candidates who have been boosted three places in the last week), and it won’t link to either; Graham’s or Clendon’s profiles, instead I get; “Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page. ”
Even more telling, when you click on the; Our People, tab where there is a short blurb that links on to profiles – neither of these two traitors are anywhere to be seen. There might be formal processes to go through before they are expelled from the party, but it seems clear that neither are any longer regarded as Greens.
Poignantly, you can still see Turei’s profile for the moment, and this bit seemed to sum her political career as well as anything:
DC and KG’s profiles were removed almost immediately on the day they took themselves off the list. Afaik they’re not being expelled from the party, but there is a process being worked through.
I would expect MT’s profile to stay there until she leaves parliament (amended given she’s not leader any more).
Graham should take his climate change wisdom over to National where he would feel mor at home on social issues, and they sure as hell need some decent advice on the environmental problems we have. Go and do some good work for NZ with the Nats. The Greens can replace you but the Nats should embrace you.
I’d suggest that NZF might be a better home for Graham. Hopefully he doesn’t get involved with any finance companies with his brother.
Are they all high achievers in the Peters family? Graham might jut give Winston the gravtas that he needs with others to rise. And then what though? Everyone seems to think that his conservative side will win out.
Betrayal isn’t an accurate label for what happened. In the RNZ interview Ken said he’d been objecting ever since her speech at the AGM which launched her crusade. James later confirmed that they’d had ongoing discussions to try to resolve the lack of consensus.
My take is that the leftists in the caucus assumed they could proceed on the basis of a lack of consensus, because they had a clear majority. Ever so twentieth century of them, eh? The party rules don’t allow such misbehaviour (unless the leftists have changed them to permit it). The crux of the issue is whether the Green caucus records its decisions, whether the record shows that consensus was reached, and whether it shows that the caucus subsequently found Ken & Dave to have acted in breach of the rules.
Naturally I don’t expect anyone in our media to be sufficiently competent to get to this crux. It could even be that caucus decision-making is defined as private by the rules of parliament (to prevent the public from discovering the truth). If so, even members of the Green Party will be unable to discover the truth about what actually happened…
I took the betrayal to be not the disagreement but what happened on the day especially going to the media before the Party or caucus had time to understand what has happening. At lease one MP heard about it from the media. From what Shaw has said, there is supposed to be 48 hrs notice and they simply didn’t give that. It’s possible that they thought threatening to resign would force MT to resign and so they didn’t need to give notice, but that’s just as bad.
Fair enough. I don’t disagree with your take. If they breached a real 48 hour rule (and like you I saw James say they did) then they were wrong to do that (if it is actually a caucus rule, not merely a parliamentary convention). My concern is more whether our caucus does operate according to decision-making rules, who oversees that process, and who failed to ensure that consensus was actually established (before the shit hit the fan).
Whatever the reason they abandoned ship when most needed.
That is unforgiveable.
Thanks for clarifying that Weka. RNZ National have misrepresented what James Shaw said. And I agree about trust.
Don’t you want a climate change expert in the Greens?
The Greens have other climate change experts. No-one is indispensable, that’s one of the strengths of the Greens.
What exactly is a climate change expert please. I ask because I’d like a climate change resilience expert or a climate change mitigation expert – is that what he is or does he just know all the ppm carbon stuff?
Shaw credited him with doing more on climate change in NZ than anyone else. I haven’t been following but he spearheaded the cross-party committee on CC.
Can’t think of much that’s been done tbh
Got plenty.
Good read like, really good
On fbook they are saying Metiria is standing for Te Tai Tonga – I thought she was leaving parliament – have I got that wrong?
Well, she is leaving parliament…unless she wins Te Tai Tonga.
afaik she’s campaigning on the party vote in Te Tai Tonga, because she wants the help the party vote and because she wants to support the people who have been supporting her. I’m guessing she’s had a lot of contact with TTT people in the past few weeks.
I’m wondering because I was giving her two ticks and I spose it’s one now
Turei is now just like many candidates e.g. Labour Maori MPs, who are standing only in Maori electorates as LP members, but are not on the LP list. Thus, you can still do 2 ticks – 1 for the GP candidate Turei, and one for the GP party. If Turei wins the electorate vote, she will continue to be a GP MP, just not the GP co-leader.
Why is she doing that? What is the point? Yes party votes – I don’t get the other.
I suspect turei always thought she would not win TTT, but was alsways going to campaign for the party vote.
She now is not a high profile target for those attacking the GP, but she can continue to mobilise support for those who want to see a change to our social security system and other GP policies.
Running electorate candidates who won’t win has long been a GP strategy because it increases the party vote more than if they just go for the party vote without standing a candidate. It’s just more exposure I guess.
You don’t do tactical voting right? (because I’m guessing there is some tactical voting to be done in Te Tai Tonga given the way the vote splits).
Thank you both – I’m not voting labour or MP electorally so limited – i’d be interested in other thoughts.
Am curious, do you feel the Te Tai Tonga MP is an important representative locally? I don’t follow seats very closely.
No, not in my experience. Mind you Tasman is the general seat and that is damien – we do see him a liittle bit and he’s not local.
Sorry again – hard habit to break it appears
lol, the edit function is probably set too long. You can always just edit the post instead of deleting it.
Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere.
Hat tip to Giovanni Tiso.
So the political career of Metiria Turei is, in effect, now over. It goes to show the double standard in politics is alive and well. Which one, you may ask – the one where a different standard of behaviour is applied to politicians on the centre-left as opposed to those on the centre-right? Check. The one where far less is expected of white male politicians than brown female ones? Check. The one where benefit fraud gets treated far, far more harshly than tax fraud? Check. All of the above.
(It also puts Wayne Blimp’s sanctimonious drivel above in context, illuminating its covert racism)
Gordon well sums it up. Including the parody in the last section.
I used to not mind David Seymour’s little talks but now regard him as a spiteful little man/child in the mould of Hosking and Collins and Bennett.
Totally agree ianmac. I heard Seymour this morning on RNZ and thought what a nasty piece of work he is. I think it’s time to ditch the Rimmer images as they paint a slightly softer, more humorous persona than he deserves.
Good on you , Marama . I reckon the Greens will storm on home this election and nothing these far right wing media prats do will be able to stop it. The Greens have opened up the narrative regarding poverty in this country and there’s no putting the Jack back in the box now.
There will be a bonny comeuppance in September and National will be out.
What a shame they won’t appoint a new co leader now as there is a vacancy and Marama would eat them alive.
That would get the poll numbers back up.
Now that , IS a jolly good idea…
just the little pesky issue with the fact that the Greens don’t ‘appoint’ the Co-leaders.
Genter will be the new co-leader.
I suggest that in running a polarising campaign on poverty Greens have done a disservice to poor in NZ. I dont believe MT ‘s strategy was a good one for anyone.. not for party, not for those in poverty! We need leaders that bring people to work together on the problems that face NZ. MT was not such a leader. IMHO!
If the Greens are going to “keep the faith” in this matter they need to begin with a long hard look at how to go about ethical campaiging #nothelping
I think Metiria performed a magnificent civil service in challenging the neo liberal narrative about how they regard the poor, unemployed and chronically ill as shit on the end of their shoes.
But the genie is out of the bottle and Nationals shit sucker attitude towards welfare policy’s can never be put back in.
Genie In The Bottle – YouTube
you tube▶ 0:08
WK Thats exactly the problem i am highlighting here
Turei has for 15 long years been trying to work together with other party’s MPs in parliament trying to aid those in poverty. This has not been effective. Not just under the current National regime, but also Clark’s government. There is little reason to think that Ardern’s Labour will be driven of its own volition to succour the nonvoting poor (except possibly in improving the governmental monitoring of unemployment and underemployment, and acting on these facts, rather than; manipulating them to create false positive publicity).
So Turei gambled and lost out personally; knowing the risk when she started, and having discussed it with her colleagues who backed the move. But there is now space created in the election discourse for the plight of the poor in our increasingly selfish society. So in that way the gamble may have paid off – we won’t know till next month.
Ardern has from her first press conference as leader stressed that inequality was high on her agenda. I propose we support and encourage her on that
I propose that we support and encourage Davidson and the rest of the Green party in continuing to Champion the downtrodden and despised of Aotearoa. Ardern’s role in the next government will (hopefully) be at the centre of the executive. But there she will be forced to compromise to gain the support of coalition partners &/or confidence and supply.
A vote for the Green party will help ensure that policies to assist the poorest are supported, rather than traded away to get Peters’ band of bigots onboard.
She can promise me a pony if she likes. I won’t expect it to be delivered.
Talk is cheap, and Labour has shown for years that they consider it very cheap indeed. They have a much more compelling record of suddenly throwing the vulnerable under the bus if they think that it will gain a vote in Epsom.
I propose voting for a party that has a real commitment.
Brillant GIF from Toby Morris (Pencilword)
I cried.
With you on “brilliant” Beatie. As I saw it it just lit my’awareness button’ and I thought this should be seen by all, so they too can experience this bit of ‘magic’.
Love Toby Morris’ Pencilsword.. it certainly cuts to the chase….. especially in this case!
Hope this gif can be used as post, somehow. Perhaps what the Greens stand for and their noble and purposeful ways of pursuing their principles no matter what.
Well, I hope Marama steps into Metiria’s shoes. This is Aotearoa and we need a wahine.