Greens launch nationwide Māori Caucus tour

Written By: - Date published: 10:32 am, April 28th, 2017 - 11 comments
Categories: election 2017, greens, Maori Issues, Maori seats - Tags:

The Green Party’s Māori Caucus is excited to be launching a national outreach tour to engage with Māori communities, kicking off in Northland today.

“We take our role as a voice for Māori very seriously. We’re getting out and listening to Māori communities who have borne the brunt of National’s nine years of failures in housing, water quality, and the economy,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.

“We will be visiting key centres across the country to meet with hapū, iwi, and Māori organisations to understand their issues and put forward the Green vision for Aotearoa and how we will deliver for Māori in government.

“The Greens are a modern and principled choice for Māori voters; we have a consistent track record of supporting Māori aspirations and Te Tiriti justice in Parliament, and we will have the influence to deliver at the heart of the next progressive government.

“A third of the Green MPs are Māori, our strongest Māori caucus ever. Over the last two elections our party vote in the Māori electorates more than tripled and in 2017 we are going to stand the most Māori candidates in our history.

“In February, we announced our support for universal te reo Māori in schools and committed to creating a comprehensive plan to achieve it. We were thrilled with the widespread public support we received.

“As we undertake the Māori caucus tour, we are also kicking off our engagement with the education sector and te reo Māori revitalisation experts to create a plan that will ensure every Kiwi kid will learn te reo Māori from primary school onwards.

“I’m really proud that more and more of our people see that the Greens are leading on the important issues for Māori and represent the next generation of progressive Māori leadership in Parliament”, said Mrs Turei.

11 comments on “Greens launch nationwide Māori Caucus tour ”

  1. simbit 1

    I’ve voted Green 2 outta the last 4 elections (ALCP the other 2 times). I’m on Maori roll. This time (voting from offshore) I’m still undecided (same as the last 20 years actually). It takes more than a roadshow to convince me. Willie Jackson’s Damascus hikoi is tempting to follow and a part of me sees NZF as the Trumpian option.

    • weka 1.1

      I expect it’s what they do on the roadshow that’s important 😉

      Voting for Peters is basically saying you don’t mind if National or Labour/Greens form govt. Can’t see how that helps.

      • simbit 1.1.1

        Fair points. In my defence, i can’t attend a roadshow at my own marae which is where the worth of their face-to-face efforts would be tested. (There’s 700, 800 marae? Each with its own politics. And mine are off the beaten track).

        And second, i don’t vote tactically. I’m from a generation where it really didn’t make a difference if National or Labour ran the place.

        But I might put some effort into this one. ALCP don’t seem to be working the room…

  2. Tarquin 2

    Maori caucus tour? Why don’t they call it by it’s real name “Tax payer funded junket”.

    • Nick 2.1

      A Marae junket eh tarquin?

    • esoteric pineapples 2.2

      Why would a gruelling tour travelling out of suitcases, different accommodation every night, not seeing one’s family etc be seen as a “junket”? If that is your idea of a fantastic freebee then you have my sympathy for the difficult life you lead.

    • Jeremy 2.3

      Tarquin. Thank you once again for highlighting your prejudice.
      Also, can you provide some evidence that this tour is “tax-payer funded”?

      • adam 2.3.1

        With Jeremy on this one – cough up Tarquin, prove you statement.

        Because as it stands, you look like a lying little Tory Muppet.

    • mosa 2.4

      The Greens maori tour a ” Tax payer funded junket eh Tarquin.

      This government has already cornered the market squandering taxpayers money.

      You wouldn’t know a junket if you fell over one in the street.

  3. timeforacupoftea 3

    Oh dear Metiria ……………… what next …………….