Greens set their standards for coalition partners

The Greens have announced that they will choose their preferred coalition partner based on their commitment to 12 criteria. I’ll just look at 5 (not that the others are less important, just space):

reduce New Zealand’s oil dependence and climate change emissions;

– senior Nats don’t even think climate change is happening and the Party opposed every climate change policy in the last 9 years. Labour has been disappointing but they are finally taking action, especially around more fuel-efficient transport.

improve the public transport and the rail system;

– National opposed the buyback of the railways and the regional fuel tax to fund public transport. Their infrastructure program consists entirely of building more roads. Again, Labour has been disappointing but is now making progress, especially around rail.

reduce child poverty and violence against children;

– Labour’s record in this regard is excellent but not complete. It has reduced poverty and the conditions for violence with its low unemployment, higher wage, and Working for Families polices and focused on more reporting of family violence but it has left the children of beneficiaries out of the WfF benefits. National created poverty and the conditions that breed violence through its high unemployment/low wage policies. It is running on the same policies again.

protect our national sovereignty from overseas ownership and keep New Zealand out of foreign wars;

– John Key wanted us in Iraq, as did other senior Nats. They would lead us into the US’s next military adventure. One can argue over Afghanistan but Labour’s use of the military in the Pacific has been principled and restrained.

protect workers’ rights and raise the minimum wage;

– National would weaken workers’ rights and attack their unions. They have no commitment to the minimum wage. Labour is making progress on improving workers’ rights and have a strong commitment to the minimum wage.

Seems like the choice is pretty clear.

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