Hatin’ on the left

So Trevor Mallard thinks it’s smart to stick the boot in to Russell Norman for linking to an article about using the printing of money as a tool of monetary policy.

Well it says a lot more about the state of the Labour Party than anything else. It just goes to show what happens when throwbacks from the 1980s like Goff, Mallard, and King are running your strategy.

You get a party that refuses to accept the world has changed, can’t think outside the confines of neo-liberalism and gets outflanked at every turn by the Greens.

That’s why their best answer to the housing crisis has been a public-private partnership targeting middle class voters.

No wonder Labour’s stuck on 31%.

Update: sigh. this isn’t about the merits of quantitative easing. It’s about the merits of senior MP attacking the Co-Leader of his party’s one coalition option in public (the ‘presume this is an intern’ comment is particularly childish). Professionals just don’t pull that shit.

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