Herald promotes cheating and tax evasion

So much wrong with this I don’t know where to begin:

Heavy tax load borne by a few

It is hard to imagine a more inane waste of taxpayers’ money than an advertising campaign telling me not to hit my wife. It’s not OK!

It is OK, evidently, to spend my money on such garbage. Which makes me think, is it OK, morally, not to pay taxes? Economically, it makes sense to cheat.

Clearly the author has no understanding of domestic violence and its grip on our society. But the agenda here is to justify cheating on taxes – some other excuse would do if not this one.

Personal cheating “makes sense” only if you consider a very narrow range of personal factors, and only if you ignore the damage to society (and its potential to damage you). The Herald is pushing for behaviour which is the very essence of the “tragedy of the commons”.

Taxes pay for roads, police, the navy, etc. We all use them, we should pay. Yet more than two-thirds disappears in social welfare, education and health.

Two thirds on social welfare, education and health. I know right? How useless is that! When we could have a bigger navy!

Democracy works by taking money from a few and giving it to the many. This is not a moral system. It is one driven by the self-interest of the majority who benefit from this system at the expense of the minority who fund it.

Capitalism works by taking money from the many and giving it to the few. This is not a moral system. It is one driven by the self-interest of the minority who benefit from this system at the expense of the majority who fund it.

Our welfare system goes far beyond helping the poor in New Zealand. It is a politically driven institutional transfer system that has long since lost its moral basis.

A parade of prejudice stated as fact.

To be fair, you should first pay your $33,000 but, beyond that, your moral, if not legal, obligation is extinguished.

All things considered I think I will take my moral guidance from better sources than The Herald.

PS – I know I’m being mischievous in attributing this piece of junk to “The Herald”, it was written by columnist Damien Grant. I’m just reporting it the way that organ would report a piece from a multi-author blog such as The Standard. Hi ho.

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