Highly principled statements

Yesterday, Bill ‘do whatever it takes to win’ English was out trying to assuage Kiwis fears of National’s secret agenda (which his recorded remarks helped ignite). He praised Labour’s achievements but said it was time for more positive leadership. In other words, ‘don’t worry, we’re just like Labour but John smiles a lot, oh and while we’re just like Labour we’ll magically solve every problem in the country, for which we blame Labour’.

Which Labour programmes did English praise? Well, Kiwisaver for one. That’s Kiwisaver that National would cut in half to pay for tax-cuts for the rich.

And where is this supposed positive leadership? If you’ve ever read a speech from Key, you’ll have seen it is a litany of attacks on the government with a vague promise to make everything perfect. National appears to think that all they have to do is say their campaign is positive to make it so, even if the facts don’t match up.

They also seem to think positivity is all we need. Well, that’s very hippy-ish of them but the fact is Key and his mates are running for the most powerful positions in the country. Those roles, especially in these times, require serious-minded and competent people. Positivity is great but if it’s all you have, you’re not up to the job.

In reality though, we know that National is not just Blue Labour, it does have a secret agenda, parts of it are revealed by delving into their policies such as privatising ACC, cutting tax on the wealthy, gutting the RMA, building private toll roads. English and co just don’t want to talk about that because they know it’s unpopular. Instead, they want you to believe they’re Labour with smiles. It’s unprincipled but, then, we know what English thinks of principles.

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