How Act’s failed coup went down

Written By: - Date published: 9:49 am, January 7th, 2010 - 39 comments
Categories: act, humour - Tags:

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39 comments on “How Act’s failed coup went down ”

  1. John Ansell 1

    That’s very funny.

  2. Anne 2

    And it’s probably not that far from the truth 😀

  3. James 3

    Thats awesome!!!!

  4. good work – i love it.

  5. felix 6

    Epic lolz

  6. StephenR 7

    Hahaha that’s a win for…someone. Key?

  7. A Nonny Moose 8


  8. grumpy 9

    Best post here for some time.

    Shows Key to be a strong and decisive leader (maybe that wasn’t intentional)

  9. rainman 10

    Funny….. 🙂

  10. Zepher 11

    *thumbs up* likes this

  11. Truly epic. Well done.

  12. Whoever did it has David Garrett down to a “T”.

  13. Kelley 15


  14. BLiP 16

    Just what I needed to cheer me up on the first day back!

  15. tc 17

    Can’t wait for the one about minsterial overseas trip guidelines….who hands out the wet bus tickets ?

    The scary thing is this is probably exactly how it went down with these learn on the job clowns……Douglas is simply there to line his retirement fund as he’s finally discovered (takes a bit longer to sink in at his age) their moronic frontman can’t be controlled, doesn’t listen and thinks he’s infallable…..he’s in very good company in that coalition.

  16. Rex Widerstrom 18

    *is mightily impressed*

    [Can we get the author producing some topical, funny political satire on TV? It’s been a long drought since “McPhail and Gadsby”…]

  17. Cactus Kate 19

    Completely f***ing hilarious, except Garrett would have been at the pub at the time, replaced in dialogue by Boscawen who would have been in Douglas’ office sitting next to him.

  18. Steelykc 20

    Now theres a thought..government and party plotting by Facebook, who needs Parliament…oh hang on, the journos wont like it; obsolete!

  19. ben 21

    Actually quite good.

  20. mike 22

    That is very good…. for a humourless pinko blogger 🙂

  21. Well done, you *do* have a sense of humour after all.

    The comment about Roger lining his retirement is pushing it a little, esp as you have that godawful Anderton still hanging about like a very bad smell. 😉

  22. millsy 24

    Seems we have a cross party consensus on this.

    Great post. Made my day. Really.

  23. olwyn 25


  24. Heidi 26

    OMG this is the funniest shit I have seen all year and I HATE this website. Oh dear, full credit here though, this is hell funny.

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