How to use the Replies and Search tabs on this site

Some commenters here do not seem to know of some of the handy features on this site.

The Replies tab

On a laptop or PC, you will find this on the right-hand side of the home page (also known as landing page). It will look very slightly different depending on the web browser that you are using and your personal settings and preferences in that particular browser. The default setting is Comments. We will try and follow-up with another Post for iPhone users and possibly other devices as well.

This should be the first thing you check each time when you come on this site, so that you can see who replied to your comments and/or if you have Moderation notes for you.

Replies are important because this site is for healthy conversations and robust discussions, not for monologues or spray-and-walk away trolling. This assumes that you comment here with a genuine interest in listening to and engaging with others.

Moderation notes are important because they are usually to help you, e.g., with a technical issue or a typo in your user name or e-mail address, et cetera, that may cause your comments being caught in Pre-Moderation filters. These things do happen, but they require a Moderator to notice them and have the time to deal with them, e.g., to manually release your comment with a brief explanatory note as to what went wrong.

Occasionally, a Moderation note is slightly more serious, in which case it is a good idea to pay attention and take appropriate action. Failing to do so can lead to a ban – ignorance is not an excuse.

The Search tab

In the above screen shot, you can also the Search tab. Please use it, as it is not there for decoration. You can search this site for any key word, e.g., your own user name, or a topic, et cetera. The results will be shown in chronological order because that is the default setting. On this site, it is called Freshness, for some reason. You can change this setting by clicking on Advanced.

You can combine multiple key words, e.g., napoleon redlogix. (NB they are not case-sensitive)

If you have experience with other search engines, you can use those instead. They generally have better functionality than this site’s one, but you will have to leave this site and know what you are doing.

There is a lot more that could be added to the above and expanded on. Please let us know whether you find this useful or not and whether you would like more of this kind of How to posts. If so, please suggest a topic, but keep in mind that we cannot make promises as we live in the same space-time continuum as you do and have busy lives and jobs too. In other words, we are always short of time!

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