I don’t know if it hurts my eyes or my heart more

WTF is this? I mean look at it. It’s got to be the worst website I have ever seen and I’ve been around since well before the web existed.

More to the point, how did this get up? What kind of process could possibly have let this through? Who signed off on it?

I wouldn’t normally do any analysis of something like this as I would expect it would speak for itself but it seems there are some pretty senior people in Labour (senior enough to sign off on the use of the brand) who clearly need a little 101 education on basic communications.

So here we go:

It’s ugly, not just “oh I don’t like that much” ugly but “it’s so ugly its bad vibrations (and it seems to literally vibrate!) hurt my eyes so much I can’t read it.”

It’s cynical. If you can manage to read the pixelated text you’ll realise it barely makes any sense. It’s about the ETS but we don’t really know why. Then it asks for money. It doesn’t tell you why it needs the money or how this will help “fix emissions trading” as the url promises. It’s like some mad guy that rushes up to you on the street, screams some gibberish and shoves a tin under your face demanding money just to leave you alone. It even looks like it’s roughed itself up a bit first to get your sympathy.

And it doesn’t engage the target audience or bring people into the campaign. In fact if you got a team of experts in and gave them the task of deterring engagement whatever they came up with would be Zsa Zsa Gabor compared with this.

It damages the brand. Not only does it use the Labour logo but it also links through to the official party site. If I were a Labour Party member this would make me consider resigning.

But like I said earlier the problem is not how bad this website is but that someone high-up in the party thought it was good enough to put the Labour brand on. That’s just not good enough.

Update: They’ve taken it down and redirected it to Chauvel’s excellent piece on Red Alert. Good.

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