Written By:
- Date published:
8:30 am, June 18th, 2016 - 56 comments
Categories: paula bennett, spin, useless, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: homeless crisis, homelessness, smear campaign, Te Puea Marae
One in every 100 New Zealanders is homeless.
Te Puea Marae is trying to help.
Paula Bennett has leaked personal information before and boasted that she would do it again. Paula Bennett’s “office” leaked confidential details potentially embarrassing to the marae, leading to calls for resignation and an apology from Bennett.
Now the marae, whose only “crime” in this the Brighter Future was to try and help the homeless, “has fears of ‘smear campaign’ “.
Despite the fact that nobody involved in Bennett’s sordid chain of events having anything to do with Labour, naturally this is all Labour’s fault:
Labour tried to bring me down: Bennett
Paula Bennett is accusing Labour of besmirching her reputation in an attempt to bring her down over the police inquiry leak.
“What I’ve been accused of is that I’m a liar, that I’ve been running smear campaigns, and there’s no element of truth to that whatsoever,” she said on Newshub’s Paul Henry Show. …
Yes, I think we can all agree that Paula Bennett is the real victim here.
National, ……..Labour made me do it 🙂
The irony is that National now believe their own bullshit, and think that the sheeple will just be as gullible.
Notice how Barry Soper and Duncan Garner ( and fisiani) all sang from the same song sheet yeterday?
Their rehearsed line.
Labour politicians grandstanding at park up night in Mangere.
It would be fascinating to see how the process of disseminating the spin operates.
Sang together like Birds of a feather stick together
Poor little Paula looked very hurt on TV. Sad that it is not nice when those bully Labour folk ask mean questions of her. Sniff. Sniff.
But Paula. Remember the number of times that you have dished the spiteful gratuitous dirt on others? What goes around comes around.
The fact is she is not doing her job.
True. She’s doing what she gets paid for, though.
Naughty Steve Braunia on Paula’s diary:
“Staff meeting from 1pm to 1.03pm to discuss what my ministry of social housing is doing to combat homelessness.
Staff meeting from 1.03pm to 2.35pm to discuss what Auckland’s Te Puea marae is doing to combat homelessness.
“Mind you,” I said, when the report on their good works finally ended, “marae chair Hurimoana Dennis told me in confidence the other day that he’s under police investigation.”
I left a silence for the news to sink in, and then I said, “That information does not leave this room.”
How we laughed!”
SO laughable and so infuriating – total disconnect from bennett – a barometer for the gnats – on their way out but just like some they will not go without a fight, without taking as many innocent victims with them as their talons will allow.
It is shocking that individuals and groups are having to fill the gap the government has created.
Good on Jim Weir.
Good on Te Puea Marae.
Shame on Bennett.
Bet John Key elects to cut the ribbon at the opening of these houses. He would be hypocritical and obtuse enough to do it.
The good ones who actually care like Jo get shot, and scum like Bennett go through their lives harming everyone they come in contact with and will live to 99.
pisses me off.
[Last sentence deleted for obvious reasons. Anger at Bennett’s behaviour is to be expected, but language of that kind and threats like that are completely unacceptable here. Only warning. TRP]
Might want to tone the threats down Richard.
She needs, is not a threat Bm and your up early to spread your Nazi shit aren’t you.
you need a ban mate so that you can have a think about this – don’t threaten violence or a kicking or whatever bullshit you come up with – NOT ACCEPTABLE – get it or fuck off.
Thanks, marty. I’ve edited the comment now.
I am sorry for going over a commenters remit – I knew the team would sort it – sorry again
No sweat! If it wasn’t for your comment, I wouldn’t have seen the earlier, offensive, one. A winning team needs a great bench 😉
NOT acceptable Richard – please stop writing these things – you are better than that.
angry this morning marty, disempowered, led by someone who’s just ignoring everything in a I don’t give a fuck way.
completely limp dicked..that’s how I feel this morning.
National makes NZ a JOKE.
yep I can hear the pain mate – my advice – go for a walk in the cold air – look around – within all of the shit there is beauty, there is peace and love and support and caring. Notice it and let it empower you and your life. Have a good day – nah have a GREAT day richard.
You made one comment, which I took on board, I didn’t repeat any threats, then you went on like an egg with multi posts on it.
Think it’s you who needs to sort it out, from your posting 2 more times it turned into a big nasty on me that blew it out of proportion.
Thanks TRP for editing my time had expired.
I’m a reasonable person Marty, you settle YOUR fkn shit down.
RIchard, I thought marty’s last comment was actually really caring and well-intentioned. I hope you’ve had a chance to do something that makes you happy since you posted this comment.
It was, the time line of replies is misleading you, he wrote that last. My comment after his is not commenting on his reply but up above..think I explained it right?
anyways, me and Marty are ok and it’s just been a rough morning I think for some including myself. i’m moving on and no hard feelings Marty I hope.
or i’m getting confused, anyways..
I was in moderation and my sentiment still stands even after what you wrote to me richard.
Like all National members they are just complete judgmental fucking bigoted haters like Donald trump.
No doubt someone will point out i’m doing the same. um no i’m not, you have to speak up against it, or it carries on.
What reputation? She is completely out of touch but that is possibly the reason she has been used as a henchwoman.
What has she achieved aside from marginalising her own people?
Dishing out a welfare reform that lead to the sick being cut off benefits and some dying or at best being forced to waste their days applying for jobs they couldn’t do.
There’s no record of how many people died but some people working in hospitals get to see it. The hospital staff get to see the number of kids with third world diseases and permanent organ damage as a result of no housing or mouldy damp housing.
The real cause of the housing shortage leading to poverty that MPs rarely talk about – international speculation. They themselves benefit. There is no way the average working kiwi can compete for housing with the world’s richest property investors.
Last comment.,
The epiphany I had last night was finally under this National government the public of NZ realized that once election day is over, The party you voted in you have absolutely no control over at all. Period. end of.
Someone could promise the world and deliver a dictatorship and there is not a blind thing you can do about it.
Thanks pollies, now we can’t trust a single one of you.
Key and his odious cabinet – irrefutable validation of physiognomy. Piggies, toads and reptiles. Childish, but I need to vent some spleen.
On the bright side . . .
I think Bennett is finished as future prime ministerial material.
Who do you see replacing Key?
Well, hopefully it’ll be Andrew Little & team!
Yes red, but unfortunately perhaps like a puppet being pulled by Sir Winnie the Trump.
Can we do what Helen did, offer him a post that keeps him out of the country?
Andrew Little a puppet? Qualified and experienced Lawyer..previous national secretary of New Zealand’s largest trade union, EPMU), and President of the Labour Party from 2009 to 2011..He is no puppet.. he is solid real and genuine unlike the present chameleon we currently have as a PM.
‘Chameleon = a person who changes their opinions or behavior according to the situation.’
Little is No puppet!
Probably every single one of us has experience of the very worst bullies whom when busted in their foulness are the ones with the loudest and weepiest ‘poor me, poor me……’. That’s Bennett through and through. Entitled bully trash. She and Glucina twins are they ?
So true North. Weeping crocodile tears whilst accusing their victim of being the perpetrator of the bullying. When you’ve been through such a process you have a sixth sense when it comes to recognising the bully boys and girls of this world. I saw it in Madam Bennett right at the start.
Yeah…….and the business about you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover…….well in this [person’s] case…….don’t so many of the candid pics give the immediate impression of the horrible, horrible, ugly, thug bully ? Like for her ‘unfortunateness’ there’s a deep compulsion to take it out on the world. Like you see on YouTube, mercilessly bashing over some weaker person.
[Deleted] Sorry. Can’t muster up PC on this occasion.
[Gendered insults removed. You can do better, North. TRP]
to Anne at 15.1 : Sorry a day late Anne. I agree heartily with your noting Bennett as an innate bully from start. The gift of reading body-language , often hard-earned, sorts out such very quickly. Sadly she has female colleagues of same ilk.
The gift of reading body-language , often hard-earned, sorts out such very quickly.
Bad personal experiences can be very traumatic at the time (may even leave one with PTS as it did with me) but fortunately time heals and the consequential insight into human behaviour can be invaluable.
Bennett is the bully who got caught, pretending remorse, looking to blame others, but really scheming her next bully plan. She can’t help herself.
Never apply the word victim to any member of this government!
They know full well what they are responsible for and are well paid too boot.
They are creating real victims every week in the real world and are blinded by the effect unless it effects their polling number’s and are unscrupulous in destroying reputations to maintain their own positions.
Bennett the victim! Yeah Right!
For Paula:
I can understand the rage and frustration..another “king hit” on the Govt fails.
This has been one of the most pathetic beat-ups yet, there is absolutely nothing in it – but if the leaker gets the sack you can all feel proud of that.
We need a better class of Lefties.
Bennett was the leaker, so yeah, she should be sacked.
John Doe Slow Bro Fuck Off. Leaker won’t be sacked she might talk if she were. As Annette King pointed out it’s not Flatulent Fatso’s to sack her anyway. A typically CT put up job.
is that you Paula ??????aren’t you Jane doe???
She is such a victim of the NZ social welfare system also.
New Zealand Taxpayers funded those courses she used to get out of being on the benefit. It is such a shame someone closed down the same course that helped her in her time of need.
What was the name of the person that closed the courses that helped her get off the benefit herself again?
I don’t think her “need” was anything like what she has claimed it to be. In fact, from my understanding it was the opposite! Maybe one day the truth will be revealed.
her need is greed !
she bought her first house on the dpd and we paid for it ????? but no housing for anyone else the bitch!
How easy is it to get a police inverstergaion leak? Are the police looking into this leak, will the be raiding the offices of the leakers to look for clues?
Apart from Mrs Bennet being an incompetent minister who I have stopped watching or listening to as she makes my blood boil, it seems she is slowly on the out now that Mrs Collins is back.
Its not a joking matter when you’re having to wrestle with the problem of defying gravity as I do as well as been compared to a pig when I wear lippy. Thanks Obama! Dealing with Narcissism takes some very big cahones that I’ve yet to find but just one day …. Try walking in my shoes for a day and you’ll find out why I’m still dodging ole Winnie’s challenge for a 100m race, him in his boots and me in my look-a-like Jimmie Choose. Its really hard to take all of this attention all of the time. Its really really hard work. Sometimes I feel I can relate to all of these unfortunate poor, poorly, poor people living in cars. I can really relate to it, really. So, if any f..ker dare to undermine my sincerity about knowing what it feels like to be a victim of pauperism, because I know. I’ve been there, back in the day .. it was so embarrassing getting all that money and a free education, it was really hard. Oops, I gotta go my limo’s here. I hope that helped.
Yeah and just by the way, on the bennie in Toe-Poor…….I managed to buy and pay for a fucking house. Yeah ! I’ll bet that arsehole who hapu’d me and run away’s sorry. Don’t mean to be vile to the likes of me but really……..they’re loose cows who need a good talking to you know.