ImperatorFish: Key’s Secret Super Plans

Scott at Imperator Fish has kindly given us permission to syndicate posts from his blog – the original of this post is here.

Why does John Key appear so confident that we are not facing a future superannuation crisis?

Young people are fleeing the country in such numbers that soon there will be mostly just the elderly left, with their only companions being the finance company directors to fleece them of their life savings.

And who will look after them? In time most aged care workers will have departed the industry in search of wages that are less demeaning.

It seems unlikely that the government would allow a cull of the elderly, due to the usual complaints from liberal hand-wringers.

So where are the solutions to the problems caused by an ageing population? John Key refuses to consider looking at the retirement age, a decision that seems as stupidly short-sighted as it is politically cynical.

However, it pays to remember that John Key knows more than we do about what the future holds, thanks to his time in the finance world, shifting money about the globe and doing deals. If there’s one thing Key understands it is how to predict where a market is headed.

It is therefore almost certain that Key has a few aces up his sleeve for the day when the Super bomb drops on us.

What could they be? My picks:

The alternative to all of the above is that Key just doesn’t want to do anything that might court unpopularity, that he’s happy just being a manager rather than a leader, and that he doesn’t care very much about the burden our young people will face in twenty or thirty years.
Or the world really is going to end on December 21.

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