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notices and features - Date published:
2:45 pm, January 31st, 2012 - 2 comments
Categories: humour -
Tags: sonny bill williams
Scott at Imperator Fish has kindly given us permission to syndicate posts from his blog – the original of this post is here
The stock market dipped sharply in trading today, after no stories appeared in any of the major newspapers about Sonny Bill Williams for almost two hours.
There were some signs of a rally early in the afternoon, as traders took a punt that one of the television current affairs shows would run a story about the sportsman before the end of the day.
But the rally was short-lived, after it was revealed TVNZ’s current affair show Close Up would run stories about transgender traffic wardens and the affordability of methamphetamine for many struggling families, and after TV3’s rival show Campbell Live announced plans to run a 30 minute promotion on its latest talent-reality-survivor-traffic-accident show.
The NZX 50 closed down 421 points, as traders abandoned previously solid stocks and threw their money into safer investments such as gold, overseas bonds and disposable diapers. Media stocks took a particular hammering. The absence of any reports today on who Sonny Bill Williams had coffee with, is sleeping with, or is about to use as a punching bag, led to intense anxiety across financial markets, and speculation that the dearth of Sonny Bill stories would drive a number of media organisations into insolvency.
Late this afternoon New Zealand Herald editor Shayne Currie issued an apology to readers for his newspaper’s lapse.
“I can assure you that we take very seriously our responsibility to readers to provide the very best in news and current affairs,” said Mr Currie.
“On this occasion there has been a regrettable lapse. However, we have reviewed our internal systems and can assure the public that, as well as providing the very best in shark news, the New Zealand Herald will from this day forward provide wall to wall coverage of everything Sonny Bill says, does or excretes.”
Mr Currie said he could not talk any more about the lapse, as it was now an “employment issue” for the staff-members concerned.
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It is believed that Sonny Bill William’s management team is not at this time considering the remilitarisation of the Rhineland by their star. |
Update: Fears that international markets might plummet overnight eased, as it became clearer that Sonny Bill Williams is unlikely to contest the US Presidential contest for the Republican Party.
Pundits have been speculating on whether a latecomer would join the Republican nomination race, but an expert in US electoral law said Sonny Bill would not be eligible to become President.
“Sonny Bill wasn’t born in the US, so he can’t stand for the highest office without a constitutional amendment,” said Dr John Wainburger of the Washington Freedom Institute.
“In any event, Republican voters would never support a Muslim candidate. Even one as hot as Sonny Bill. Don’t tell my wife I said this, but I’ve seen pictures of the guy with his shirt off, so please tell him that if he ever decides to try out an alternative lifestyle I would be happy to, er, put him through his paces.”
Gareth Morgan paid SBW to stay away from the Pheonix. Fat middle aged bare chested supporters had threatened to leave in disgust should SBW join their manly midst. Their wives have since gone on a sex strike until they change their minds, Gareth got off lightly with a wifely clip around the ear.
nice article. loved it. about v markets: i heard the eurozone economies rallied today and world markets surged on news that SBW will be appointed as the european administrator of the greek economy. the greeks initially opposed the controversial german proposal (first mentioned at davos). however, their worries were erased when SBW’s name was proposed among other candidates including warren buffett, alan greenspan and dominic strauss kahn.