ImperatorFish: Yes, Steven, this is just like North Korea

Scott at Imperator Fish has kindly given us permission to syndicate posts from his blog – the original of this post is here.

Steven Joyce yesterday claimed that the plan by Labour and the Greens to reform the electricity sector was from “the North Korean School of Economics”.

But is this true? Let us examine the facts:

A state-owned organisation will purchase power from power generators. These generators will be a mixture of private, state owned, and partly-state-owned companies. Those generators will still be allowed to make a profit.

Conclusion: Yes, this is JUST LIKE IN NORTH KOREA!

The shareholders of those power generators will still receive dividends from their shares.

Conclusion: Yes, this is JUST LIKE IN NORTH KOREA!

The power generators won’t all suddenly be nationalised. Their ownership won’t change under this plan.

Conclusion: Yes, this is JUST LIKE IN NORTH KOREA!

Consumers will be able to shop around to get the best deal from their electricity retailers, and electricity retailers will continue to compete for customers.

Conclusion: Yes, this is JUST LIKE IN NORTH KOREA!

A centralised buying agency will reduce excessive profit-taking by suppliers and ensure consumers get a better deal.

Conclusion: But isn’t that what Pharmac already does for medicines?


Phase Two of Labour and the Greens’ power reform plan?

(And since we’re comparing political parties with despotic terror regimes responsible for the murder of millions of people, does Steven Joyce’s obsession with building motorways make him a follower of the Adolf Hitler School of Economics? Yes, I agree, what an awful thing to say.)

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