Irritated and up early

I’ve been getting irritated about some of the comments in the media by ignorant fools1 about The Standard and its authors. So I’ve changed a long standing policy about talking to the media whilst this continues. I answered Chris Bramwell from RNZ  today after they pestered mickysavage2.

Lynn Prentice runs The Standard – a left-wing blog often accused of being a mouthpiece of the Labour Party.

He says bloggers on the site get their information almost entirely from public sources, library research, or their own knowledge from being in political parties for decades.

“It is completely obvious in the posts where the information comes from because we always either link to it or state how we acquired it. We don’t have a “tipline” of ministers dishing the dirt on enemies.

“To be complicit in that kind of sock-puppetry requires the kind of compliant deference to authority that comes naturally to people on the right.”

Mr Prentice says the accusations by the National Party that The Standard is ghost written by Labour staffers is “bullshit”.

The idea of being the “mouthpiece of the Labour Party” is a rather amusing.  One day some reporters should get some Labour party MPs drunk and ask them what they really think about this site.

I’ll be talking to Morning Report tomorrow morning before I go to work. Hopefully they won’t run too late. I’m already behind on my workload. But I’m only halfway through “Dirty Politics”, so don’t get too disturbed if I sound irritable… I may be even more short of sleep.


In other news, the site has been running really really well under load for the last few days.

We’re just exceeding 37 thousand page views by humans for the day. In  a large part this was due to rocky’s post on that nasty publicity campaign about breast feeding. Looking at the profile of the lurkers, I’d say that the post went viral amongst women in NZ well outside of the usual bloggers.

The record set in 2012-09-04 for page views will finally be exceeded.  That was a programming error from facebook causing a page view every time someone saw a link to the site (it read the excerpt). It is nice to know we can exceed it without naturally – unlike the artificial supports that Cameron so clearly needs to assuage his daddy complex.


For the techheads, the site is currently running at my apartment. It is on the 8 core AMD backup server with a nice quiet water cooler using the newly installed fibre link. I’ll be testing the transfer to and from the offshore

It only took a year for fibre to arrive in my apartment after they finished installing it in the road outside. That is because Steven Joyce is a sloppy and rather useless negotiator and didn’t think to establish how to provide fibre into apartment buildings when he did the contract with Chorus.

Thanks for the assistance of Voyager for finally managing to make it happen. And that was a spontaneous and unpaid for in any way unpaid testimonial.



  1. Steven Joyce on Morning Report and the obsessively self-aggrandizing commenter Pete George come to mind as being particularly ignorant about the blogging world and its participants.
  2. There are two people you can contact about The Standard. Me or Mike Smith. It is inadvisable to try pester other authors.


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