Jacinda Ardern is just like Donald Trump

Over at a media site that shall not be linked to is a writer who is so clearly anti Labour she uses every chance she has to attack.

But she is let down because her reckons are pretty stupid, even on a good day.

Her latest reckon is that Jacinda Ardern and Donald Trump are similar.


That is what she said.

I was intrigued by the comparison.  Was it because they were both bipedal mammals with an identical number of arms, legs and internal organs?

No.  Two pieces of evidence were offered.

The first was that they were supposedly anti immigration.  Sure Trump wants to build walls and demonise anyone born overseas but does Ardern want to do the same?  Apart from bringing back historically large immigration flows because Auckland is packing up from the strain well no.

The second piece of evidence is that both Trump and Ardern lead minority governments.  And apparently Ardern also stole the election.

Yep National got 44% and Labour only got 37% therefore the election was stolen, stolen I tell you.

Of course under this writer’s reckons the 13.5% of the population who voted for NZ First and the Greens should be completely ignored.  Their votes do not count.  We do not have a MMP system.  No sir.

This is the sort of basic analysis I would expect from a ten year old.  A not very bright one.

I am not linking to the story because I am convinced the only matrix of success for that site is the number of clicks a story gets and I think it best not to add to that.

But I will link to a beautiful piece of writing by David Slack in the Sunday Star Times.  He wrote about how political labels are dumbing down political debate and doing us all a disservice.  He concluded by saying this:

Why does the labelling happen? Is it because everything comes out in shades of grey and compromise and we think politicians have lied to us and let us down? Are we prepared to accept anything other than crisp and clear-cut and dried black and white?

That kind of stunted thinking leads you sooner or later to Trump, and who can tell where the nuggets end and the piles of monkey waste begin? This week he was railing about immigrants: “There is a Revolution going on in California. Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept.”

Breeding. What an unlovely word. Always with the dehumanising labels, this guy.  I wonder what the Trump family would have been doing in the 1940s if they hadn’t left Germany.

And then I see the photo of our Prime Minister in London, radiant in gown and korowai and I think, there it is: humanity. Someone should make a movie about it.

There is a world of difference between Jacinda Ardern and Donald Trump.  To claim they are similar does a disservice to the English language, to political analysis and to reasoning.

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