Jam tomorrow

I see John Key is promising new ideas to stop job-losses:

We’ve got an economic strategy … and I intend over the next few weeks to spell out my thinking in that area

It strikes me as another one of his vague PR-driven promises.

Like the promise he made in March about the initiatives that never eventuated, from TVNZ:

Prime Minister John Key says there are more economic initiatives planned to help New Zealand through the recession

Or the one Bill English made about the “stimulus package” in February:

The package we are working is a similar kind of stimulus package. Over two years there will be a fiscal impulse of 4 per cent of GDP which is comparable to other countries

Which turned out to be nothing more than a new announcement of old spending.

Or Key’s promises from the job summit:

We think there is some headroom for us to fund some of the initiatives that will undoubtedly come out from the employment summit,”

Like the money for the 9 day fortnight which is now likely to be less than the $35m they gave private schools (and which has saved fewer jobs than the government has already cut, despite their other empty promise about not cutting the public service.)

Or the one he made before the election last year:

I’m campaigning on strengthening our economy, on rising to the challenge presented by tough global conditions, and on delivering greater prosperity to New Zealanders and their families

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The truth is that Key has no plans to generate jobs or stimulate the economy. But he knows he needs to be seen to be doing (or at least promising) something or the voters might start feeling betrayed.

As for any actual action on unemployment? Don’t hold your breath.

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