James Shaw, Climate Minister: before us lies a simple choice

At the end of that Statement, Shaw says this,

In our region, 1.5 degrees is critical. This COP27 must re-affirm our commitment to 1.5, to Paris and to the decisions we made in Glasgow.

In our region, without adequate mitigation, we will not be able to adapt. And the losses and damages will be overwhelming and existential.

This COP must make progress on how we collectively manage loss and damage.

As ever, it will be the most vulnerable who will be the worst affected.

We cannot stand by and knowingly, willingly allow that to happen.

Tackling climate change is a once in a generation opportunity to build a future that is more equitable, more prosperous, and more innovative – and all within planetary limits.

But it is only through collective action and shared commitments that we will rise to the challenge and take that opportunity.

The only thing I want to say here is kia kaha James Shaw, we are very fortunate to have you leading this. For those about to start taking pot shots at Shaw for not doing enough, he doesn’t have a magic wand. He frequently points out that he and the government are not doing enough, and in order for that to change that we all need to act.

Subtext is we all need to act, but also, if we want faster and better change, vote Green because that is how government action will improve.

The Greens have some limited power being in parliament and holding the Ministerial portfolio on Climate. But Labour are a majority, single party government, and Shaw isn’t part of Cabinet (although he attends some meetings as Climate Minister). The cards are all in Labour’s hands until the Greens have enough MPs to work the system in all our favour.

In the meantime, Shaw and his team are making the changes that they can. If you think he can do more, please explain how, in detail. Not what you want to see the government do, nor vague handwaves to generic change, but on the ground, in the house, actions that Shaw could be doing within the parliamentary system.

Green Party Climate Policy

If you want to take some action, make a submission on Pricing Agricultural Emissions. (link to Green Party guidelines on submitting). Submissions close end of business day tomorrow (Fri 18 November).

Front page image from the Newsroom/Rod Oram’s Will this be the COP that loses the 1.5 C target?

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