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- Date published:
9:34 am, February 13th, 2011 - 28 comments
Categories: john key -
Tags: boredom
I’ve been away on work this week, so didn’t get to hear John Key’s opening address to parliament. I read that Labour thought it dull, and could see the content was lacking any new ideas. Privatisation, public sector cuts – so 90s; and stealing some of Labour’s child-policy talk – although we’ll wait to see if there’s any action.
But I hadn’t heard any of John Key’s delivery until I was coming home on Friday night.
Wow, he did not care. I think he nearly fell asleep as he talked of 2011 needing to be a year of “aspirations”. Say it like you believe it John. I know your “aspirations” don’t actually ever eventuate for ordinary New Zealanders, but if you don’t believe it, I’m not sure how we’re meant to…
One gets the impression he can’t be bothered with this election year. But he knows he has to go through with it. Can’t let his party down. Knows he’s their only asset. The multi-millionaire with the common touch, he’s a pretty huge asset. He’s got a large section of the electorate that prefer Labour’s policies, but think if they vote for “that nice man”, they somehow won’t have to live with his nasty party.
But he’s got “PM” on his CV now, he’s met the Presidents of the USA and Russia, he’s hung with sporting heroes and celebrities (and become one), he’s had the opportunity to mince about on the Rugby World Cup stage. Can he be bothered to do it all again?
I’m sure he will go through the campaign, he knows he’s National’s only hope, but will he have the drive and the passion for it?
(Perhaps this will help shed light)
Is it true that following his successful debut on the catwalk recently, John Key has launched his fashion lable ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’?
People are saying that the fabric he uses is the finest ever seen!
(Hat-tip Greenfly@Frogblog)
If NAT wins, Key will step down during the first half of his new term. He won’t want a hard right slash and burn agenda transferring wealth to the rich linked to him in history.
Depends if he runs in an electorate or not. If he doesn’t run in an electorate, then this is a good bet. If he does, then it seems unlikely he’d deliberately cause a by-election.
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So even worse Viper? – he gets written into the histories as shallow enough to quit in the 2nd term not wanting to be labelled as, well…whatever these bastards and hiddy bitches subsequently get labelled as..
Keys Quits On Top – Shacked Up With Amanda Hotchins – No.5 On Popular P.M’s Hotlist (SST headline 4 April 2012).
Bahahahha do you really believe that CV? Christ, it really is amateur hour when it comes to political analysis around here.
Since you chickened out and tried to change the goalposts on our last wager, clearly because you KNOW Goff hasnt got a hope in hell of getting above 20% on the preferred PM poll before the election, wanna put a wager on this?
$50 on my choice of charity if JK is still PM at the end of the next parliament. Vice versa if he ain’t.
Is this what you were referring to?
Interesting, how does ignoring a stupid wager you made without being asked or prompted count as “chickening out” 🙄
Oh look I think I’ll ignore your current “wager” as well, since you seem a most unpleasant chap when it comes to these things 👿
That’s fine, lets just leave your credibility on the line then shall we?
So thus far, you’ve claimed:
– Goff will be +40% on preferred Prime Minister before the election.
– And that even if JK and the Nats win in November, that JK will resign before election 2014.
Oh yes, I will be keeping a score.
Link please. I might have been on the bourbon that day, but I don’t think I said anything like what you are claiming.
(After winning Goff’s preferred numbers will pop nicely though, but not before – that I did state).
Its more likely that Crosby/Textor has run out of ideas after 4 years of tutoring their pupil, so Key has gone back to rerunning the themes from 2008 when he was opposition leader.
Wouldn’t underestimate Crosby Textor. Key is just biding his time while C.T. get their powerpoints for elections 2011 together. Should happen in the next month or so.
How dare he be bored, thats me. Trade marked etc. And he is to a large degree responsible for my irksome ennui!!!
CV thats how I peg it. If National will in November Key will either be rolled or step aside very quickly into the new parliamentary term. It’s is easy for him to take a staunch line against opposition to right-wing agendas when it won’t be him in the firing line. He has already set the plan in motion by indicating he’d leave politics if he wasn’t PM.
Yep. That comment that Kiwibank will never be sold while he is PM bugs me too.
And the clincher – that he won’t work with Winston Peters. In en electoral outcome where Key is leaving anyway, this lets the rest of the national caucus boot him and do a deal with Peters.
Regarding Winston Peters, I was driving along Universal Drive, Henderson this morning and I spied with my little eye a hoarding [albeit very cheap skate – white background and black letters] advertising a forthcoming public meeting. Oh, of course N Z First colours ARE black and white! It still looked hastily assembled and cheap-skate.
“If National will in November Key will either be rolled or step aside very quickly into the new parliamentary term.”
I’d like to see some parliamentary questions asked of him on this front by Labour.
Doesn’t require an honest answer, just to make him squirm in the light.
Can the prime minister promise, that should he win the election, he will stay as prime minister for the full 3 year term?
Puts doubt in the public mind at least.
Exactly, get him on record being slippery about it.
He seems to be a man who thinks on his feet in the manner of a money trader. So I guess he will be weighing up the risk of widespread vilification versus the possibility of a future knighthood (rather as if they were currencies) and make his decision accordingly.
Nah, John Key Prime Minister is the currency. And the game is to ride it to the peak and then cash out while the value is high.
It doesn’t matter what happens to the stock after that, just like it didn’t matter what happened to John Key Wall St Banker when he dumped that one.
Maybe goldman sachs has offered him a nice middle management role… but even they have standards.
John Key bored with being PM? – possibly
But maybe there is more –
Winston Peters knows from experience that by appealing to prejudice and racism, NZF can lift it’s rating by at least a couple of percentage points.
If New Zealand First do decide to run an election campaign playing on people’s prejudices and insecurities, scape goating minorities and migrants, and it gets them over the 5% threshold, this would make NZF a very appealing coalition partner for the Nats and ACT, but very repugnant to the rest of the house.
This would create a problem come coalition time, because John Key has said that he has ruled out Winston Peters as a coalition partner.
Winston Peters himself has said he has not ruled out working with the Nats
A personal guarantee from John Key that he would not be PM if it meant working with Peters, leaves deputy PM Bill English and Winston Peters with a very large loophole.
Watch for this:
If Peters does decide to run with a right wing anti-minority campaign this will be a clear signal that Key will resign on winning the election to clear the decks for an extremist right wing coalition that combines the worst of all possible outcomes for flax roots New Zealanders.
If Key doesn’t resign of his own volition you can count on an internal push to get him out of the way if his presence was the only thing keeping National becoming the government for a second term. Key said he would resign anyway if National was not the government, his resignation would see Bill English stepping up to the leadership of the National Party. With Key gone there would be nothing to stop English working out a deal with Peters.)
A divisive right wing economic administration Led by Bill English and deputy PM Peters which will protect the rich and privileged, attack minorities, beneficiaries, and working people and unions and get away with it, by diverting popular anger to a scape goat created by playing up possibilities of Islamic Fundamentalism and/or Maori Terrorism.
(uncovering a convenient extremist outrage or plot will seal the deal for this political marriage made in hell)
I hope so.
Deputy PM Peters? I seriously doubt it. Rodney Hide didn’t get the deputy PM roll, and after National lambasted Peters and the ‘baubles of office’ do you really think they’d make him deputy? Not to mention royally fucking off all of the Nat supporters who hate Peters. He didn’t even get deputy back in 1996.
He’d get his treasurer role back, if anything.
I would rather have a National + NZFirst government than just National by itself. I don’t actually think Winston is racist, what he’s standing up for is NZ sovereignty (it’s even in the name of the party). He’s fundamentally opposed to asset sales to foreigners, so if a National + NZFirst coalition were formed, its very hard to predict how National’s asset sales plan would be affected.
Lanthanide, I agree that Winston Peters is probably not a racist. The record shows that what he is, – is a political opportunist.
He will play what ever card will get him into office, the higher the office with the most baubles the better.
As for standing up for New Zealand sovereignty, don’t make me laugh, on this issue you couldn’t find a bigger hypocrite.
Winstone Peters was the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the administration that signed up to the Free Trade Deal with communist China. Notoriously signed in the midst of extremely violent suppression of Tibetan protesters by that regime.
See this slippery sam at work here.
As for becoming deputy P.M. Lanthanide, you’re right that is a bit of a stretch, but it depends on how determined you think the Nats are to cling to power, and their willingness to do deals to achieve it. Matched by Peters greed for the baubles of ‘high’ office.
Lanthanide, So you think that a National/NZF coalition government would be better than a National only administration?
Let’s hope we never have to find out.
For my money, such an administration threatens to be the most opportunistically venal and corrupt right wing administration in living memory.
Someone in the media needs to ask Bill English wbether or not he would be willing to be in a coalition with New Zealand First, should he suddenly become PM (given Key’s promise to resign should he not be given a mandate and having ruled Winston Peters out of such a mandate), post election.
Totally agree with MsM – have been thinking this myself since Key’s Christmas interview with Young and Armstrong. he like s Hawaii and says his prority is more time with his family. This also explains all following behaviours such as: take me and my assets spiel or I’ll resign and his I won’t work with Peters statement- having said he might before Christmas – and his latest kamikazi persona– – I’ll appear with Veitch and denigrate women as well as look a complete idiot at a RWC promotion. He doesn’t care because he is planning to go.
He mumbled to the media in October 2009 that politics is much harder than you think . He has nothing left and he had nothing much in the first place, except a smile (when he got in in 2008 and was asked what he was going to do by journalists he said he was going to keep the smile,er, the same old smiley face), ashcroft’s hand book (“aspirations” anyone?) and the ability to chat up the media and any other useful people in order to “spin” the right wing web we’re all nearly trapped in. Thank goodness for MMP – hope can still spring.
(And I agree with Lanthanide@302pm- “I don’t actually think Winston is racist, what he’s standing up for is NZ sovereignty (it’s even in the name of the party).” and not Jenny @2.34pm