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- Date published:
9:35 am, November 8th, 2012 - 40 comments
Categories: accountability, john key -
Tags: insults
Up to his neck in criticism for his batshit behaviour of late, Key petulantly complained:
“I dare you to show me one example where I haven’t discharged my responsibility seriously, professionally and appropriately”
Well I like a challenge as much as the next random blogger, but really, this is too easy. Seriously, professionally and appropriately? Like the way you are leading a government that is failing on every economic goal it sets itself, failing on most social indicators, and trying to sell off the country’s assets? Like the numerous times you have lied, conveniently forgotten the facts, or refused to even read them? Like the time you appeared as a two-bit buffoon on Lettermen? The time you made a throat slitting gesture in Parliament?
How serious, professional and appropriate was it of you to insult:
David Beckham,
Keisha Castle-Hughes,
Jon Stephenson,
Bradley Ambrose,
The Waitangi Tribunal,
the Pike River families,
the elderly,
the media,
and all of the reporters, scientists, teachers, beneficiaries and others that you and your government regularly belittle. Who are you planning to insult next – The Pope? Justin Bieber? Bambi’s mum?
Compiling that list was a depressing stroll down memory lane. I’m sure that Standardistas can add to it. Far from Key challenging us to find any example where he hasn’t discharged his responsibility “seriously, professionally and appropriately”, I think we should challenge him to find any example where he has.
Again, the media has not always recorded his words and actions, opening the way for the lies to come off. No opportunity to expose this man must be lost.
We need a web site called John Key Lies and have his lies ALL of them all listed, and linked, to proven media stories / Parliament Hansard etc etc. Me I have not got a clue on how to do this Nor I fear the Bandwith or computer space, or Money to do it myself. But I could do Research.
I’m happy to pay for the registration of Dunnokeyo.org.nz if somebody wants to volunteer to run it!
I dare anyone to conclusively define the meaning of an noun qualified by three adjectives in a post modern reality.
First sporting humour, now grammar games. That John Key, he is sharp. The only thing we can catch him on is that his words mean nothing.
Uturn. The three words you refer to are adverbs and they qualify the word discharged, a verb. But I guess it shows that whatever John Key says or how he says it is confusing.
The Ecan bare-faced lying and tyranny around removing democracy so farmers could take resources has nothing professional or appropriate about it.
It is simple theft.
Democratic and normal procedures were preventing some business people from getting what they want so they got their elected representatives to remove electoral representation so those business people could get what they want.
Abuse of power.
Abuse of constitutional arrangements.
Theft. Actually, robbery.
You forgot his childish and insulting objectification of women with his Liz Hurley/ Bronagh remarks.
It is quite clear that he is full of hate for minorities, females and the poor.
No. I believe it’s worse than being full of hate. I believe it is utter indifference.
I don’t think his former career was full of women at the level he worked at…
Only in the strip clubs and BDSM bars regularly frequented by Wall St suits.
Yup, our Pm is from the “real world”. More and more I see that people mean the “world I wished I lived in but don’t”.
Why is everyone up in arms about John Key and his comments? Hone described the Maori M.P’s as “house niggers” was that O.K? or is that “different” where was the moral outrage? did he offend nobody? I may not necessarily agree with your politics but I believe everyone should be measured with the same ruler, or do you follow the Kevin Hague phylosophy and only bleat when it suits?
” I believe everyone should be measured with the same ruler”
That’s quite astounding. Are you serious?
I think everybody should be measured by the same ruler… You’ll find that Key still comes up seriously short in comparison to Hone. The sheer scope of John Key’s unbecoming behaviour trumps any other politician I can think of, except perhaps Piggy Muldoon, who the current PM seems to try to emulate at every opportunity. Maybe Key is Piggy, risen from the grave?
Imagine what Key would be like after nine years as PM!
Tarkwin Hone should be the Prime Minister Then by your logic and not a firebrand one man party!
Your grip on reality and Mana’s polling rates are strikingly similar.
I don’t think the issue of whether people are “offended” (the cry-babies) is in the least bit relevant.
Clearly you think there is a difference between Harawira’s statement and Key’s or you wouldn’t have raised the possibility. Could it be that “house nigger” is an accusation of treachery made against a limited specific group, whereas “gay” is a bullying term that applies to a significant minority, one more susceptible to bullying-induced suicide than others?
Or perhaps it could be that Hone is a bit of a side show whereas Key represents New Zealand.
Or perhaps both did wrong, and your point is a weak strawman.
Admitting you are wrong and apologising is the best place to start, then a person hopefully learns how to BEHAVE and to think in future before connecting foot to mouth. Hone admits what he says and he gives a reason for why he will not apologise.
In my life time I have never come across ANY PM who is as consistent as Key is for trying to dodge the truth and he does not even care if the public know it.
Did you miss the media coverage of that tarkwin? It makes the coverage of Key’s latest insults pale into insignificance.
Were you ok with Hone’s statements? I bet you weren’t BUT I bet you are fine with key’s???
Context is a word you should look up.
Delusional, hypocrisy, gibberish, mendacity, feeble. Let me know when you’ve got through those and I’ll give you another five.
It comes before ‘rapist’ in the dictionary, Tarquin.
I find it hard to believe you got past cretin, ahh the sanctymony of socialism you all know how I should think. The one thing I do know is Hone offended me and you think that is O.K. That is the sort of inspiration that gains you 28% in an election.
lol Tarkie, who’s telling you how to think?
You’ve got a weak strawman and now you’ve progressed to attacking the messenger (and confusing commenters on The Standard with The Labour Party). Logically challenged?
we’re not really that interested in how you think. Feel free to fuck off.
I have said it before and I say it again ,the reason for Key’s strange and uncontrolled behavior is that he tipples .The only time he does not have a glass of wine/beer is in the parliament. He giggles and minces around, Just take note
I agree. And I have also raised the point on here before, that Key may be a little too fond of the Grape.
well his does ape
the grape
body shape
Even I think you might be right.
Add in:
appointing Worth & Wong to the Cabinet then covering up for them until the facts became insurmonyable to ignore.
the Tea Cup hysteria and accompanying contined support for The Universe was created in 6 days Banks!
Support of Paula Benefit in the scandals surrounding WINZ.
Tarkwin please dont throw context around in a thread about the pms behaviour which you want to make about hones behaviour and then get upset because other posters want to focus on the former having discussed the later at the time.
Are you appalled and ofdended by the pms treatment of tge above listed people, his use of the word gay as a derisive term, or not?
Standard and Poors LIE IN PARLIAMENT against Labour.Never produced the evidence unless you count a piece of paper(supposed e mail) waved around that nobody was allowed to read.
Goff should have said “I dare you to show me the source of this supposed statement or retract that statement”
Don’t forget our ever-so-polite John slagged off NZ First voters in an ageist comment on the Tea Tape.
If you step back and accept that John Key has made his career by lying then …
“John Key: seriously, professionally and appropriately” is true M8!
Anyone that wonders how he arrives at a decision , needs to think about his chosen career path and all will become clear.
Obfuscate should be his first middle and last names M8!