Written By:
notices and features - Date published:
1:49 pm, January 30th, 2017 - 3 comments
Categories: im/migration, us politics -
Tags: bill english, donald trump, justin lester, refugees
That’s what you call a GC. No, an FGC. Go Juz!
How can you expect English to decide, Key jumped because the tealeaves media have lost the pulse. The media laps up every dustraction Trump throws up, real, percieved, its all nonsense. The left needs to do the same, the soon all parties throw their crap around the sooner they get past it. Lets start. Is clark going to run in an electorate?
I’m not bothered by the media going frothy over every Trump utterance. I don’t feel any obligation to read them all. After all, this time last year, the imminent death of the press was being discussed everywhere.
Trump may be the salvation of the news media. It has been forced to pull part of its act together, question the whole concepts of “fake news” and “alternative facts”, and go deep on some issues (even if the main one seems to be Trump and his inglorious past).
He may have revitalised something we saw as being on its last legs.
Looking forward to a resurgence of investigative journalism, because I’m a glass half full kind of gal.
And onya, Justin L. I’ll even be kind to Australians – promise.