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notices and features - Date published:
10:53 am, March 5th, 2015 - 30 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, accountability, john key, leadership, Spying -
Tags: dirty politics, edward snowden, GCSB, nicky hager, Spying
Fine work form David Fisher at The Herald. Does Key get to lie and deny his way through yet another crisis?
John Key failing leadership test with terrorists-under-the-bed response
John Key worked to undermine the spying revelations before he knew what they were. Even before the New Zealand Herald approached his office for comment, he offered a “guarantee” the revelations today would be wrong.
Our partner Five Eyes nations latterly took a more grown up approach. There have been Parliamentary inquiries, public hearings and greater degrees of information made available. But we get the terrorists-under-the-bed response.
It is 30 years ago this month Mr Lange delivered his address at the Oxford Union – a large step towards our maturity as a modern nation with a truly independent foreign policy. Mr Key would do well to read Mr Lange’s address, and the issues raised by Mr Fletcher. Refusing to have a debate is not leadership, and a truly free and democratic society needs leadership on this issue.
Go read the full piece at The Herald.
Class clowns are not there to provide leadership.
John Key has committed troops to a war against Islamic State, aka ISIS, aka ISIL.
A glance at a map shows it occupies half of Syria.
John Key has just committed troops to a war in Syria
“Islamic State, aka ISIS, aka ISIL”
It’s “The Daesh” now. We have always been at war with The Daesh.
Kissing John Keys butt is proving to be a great laxative for fisianil.
The thing that really fucks me off is that if The Daesh/ISIL/ISIS are pushed out of Iraq, they’ll be coming right down over the top of the Autonomous Regions within Syria.
And since our government (in concert with all western governments) considers elements within Rojava as terrorist (PKK) and is supportive of economic and political embargoes of Rojava, then I wouldn’t be holding my breath vis-a-vis support being given those peoples as they face a wave of retreating, heavily armed bastards.
I kind of sometimes suspect the idea of sending support to Iraq was a way of killing two birds with one stone…where one of those birds is a genuine grassroots attempt to form comprehensive democratic structures of governance.
John Key’ has a CEO leadership style that is admired and respected by all the world leaders who meet him. He does not have the oratory of Obama, nor the budgie smugglers of Abbott but he has a common sense decency and obvious honesty and a razor sharp intelligence. The leadership test is about leading and the Prime Minister is leading New Zealand more and more into the brighter future as promised. His popularity shows no sign of waning and Hager is discovering that the more he tries to smear John Key the more popular he becomes. David Fisher is as usual jealous of John Key and always tries to discredit him but without any success.
Face the facts… John Key can be the longest serving PM in NZ history if he wants to be. Now that would show he won the leadership test.
Nurse!!, clean-up in medical, fisi’s oozing again.
Key won’t contest the next election fisiani. Open your eyes man, Key is looking shot these days, black baggy eyes. All the lying is taking its toll by the looks. Now some sectors of the media are taking the stick to him his political life getting tough. Sending us to war, Spying on us, trying to force the TTPA , employment law changes, the Sabin cover up which is about to get exposed.
The common thread is selling us out to America and this just won’t float with Kiwi’s. It is nearing the end Fisiani.
Tell us once you get your residency are you going to follow him to America the home of cheerleading?
What makes you think Fizzy is a Kiwi? I haven’t seen anything to suggest he’s not working out of the American Embassy in an attempt to further seppo interests in our region.
Keys ” obvious honesty ” thats the funniest thing you’ve ever written I’ll be chuckling all arvo ,.
Keep up the good fistula
Oops I was laughing to hard to check my post
Keep up the good work fistula
Pretty much.
The only reason Key is in power, is because Labour has fucked up for 6 years and the MSM have been keeping Key in power by burying bad news for the National party and smearing the other parties in particular their leaders i.e. Cunliffe.
Once the Sabin coverup is exposed how Key has helped pervert the course of justice for political gain.
Their won’t be anymore games of golf visits to the queen he will need more than a pair of Abbott’s togs to cover this one up.
The only hope of Key getting a knighthood is if Abott knights him for being a great Australian.
He said he’d resign if New Zealand had been spying on other countries. Why has he not resigned? Ah, yes. He has no integrity. Which means you support someone with no integrity.
if he did say this …someone needs to remind him!
Please someone find the clip. Would love to see it.
Send it to David Parker:)
Ah the glorious – never gets old – Audrey Young N.Z Herald story
Key: I’ll resign if GCSB conducts mass surveillance 10:51 AM Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
Check mate john key
Surely that s him over a barrel. Any real reporter will be screaming this from the roof tops buy the evening.
With absolutely no disrespect intended to those with disabilities, you sir are truly a retard with the intellectual capacity of a half drunk limpet.
What is this heresy? An article written by a journalist which does not adopt the required adoring tone towards Dear Leader? One which seems to be trying to hold the National Government to account for its actions? Surely David Fisher will be severely reprimanded for this abomination. John Armstrong, your services are required urgently…
It got buried from being the lead article on the Herald site fairly quickly.
As it is an opinion article open to comments, it is now the lead in the Opinion section with 58 comments already.
Oops, this should have been deleted and replaced with the comment at 4.1.2 and cannot now delete.
As it is an opinion article open to comments, it is now the lead in the Opinion section with 58 comments already.
Today’s articles on GCSB, 5 eyes and the Snowden revelations are apparently also just the beginning with more to come. The SST is also involved in the revelations in conjunction with the Intercept and Herald with their articles on Stuff.
Just a tactic by Gran Daddy Herald to keep their less than adoring readership hanging on there by once in a blue moon having a ‘shocking expose’ article or a rare criticism of dear leader.
Fisiani reminds me of The Onion’s cartoonist.
yes, a not so funny parody troll.
Its the MSM in NZ who keep this hollow man in office. If he’s a joke as PM, he’s their joke…