Written By:
Steve Pierson - Date published:
11:28 am, February 19th, 2008 - 31 comments
Categories: blogs, labour, Media, national -
Tags: blogs, labour, Media, national
The Press has a good article on the political blogs. The Standard and our mates Kiwiblogblog are referred to as “Labour with its claws out”. As has been explained before, we are not Labour: we are a loose group of Leftwing writers, some of whom are associated with the labour movement, but the image is a good one.
What we are doing is what Labour and other leftwing parties ought to be doing. We take the fight to National. When they tell lies and try to talk this country down, we point out that today crime is down, wages are up, benefit numbers are down, there are more doctors in more hospitals, and schools have more teachers compared to when National was last in charge.
When John Key talks about his ambition (which is all he talks about), we reveal that his ambition is a selfish one, utterly focussed on his on aggrandisement; that he has no plan to improve the lives of ordinary New Zealanders.
We argue that this is a great country and it is getting better under experienced, principled centre-left government. We will continue to oppose and expose the Right’s desperate, cynical, power-hungry attempts to trick the people into letting them back into government.
UPDATE: Kiwiblogblog has a biting response to Farrar labelling them “feral” in the article, and The Sprout and the Bean have chipped in here.
I was left with the feeling after reading that article that she is nothing but a stupid self opinionated lonely (and looing at her I could only imagine she is lonely) angey lying cow. Please lefties – keep ex NLP / Alliance memebers promoting the left – she is a joke as is her biased and pathetic column.
Monty, Steve P was talking about Phillip Matthews’ feature in The Press:
I think you’re confusing it with Liz Gordon’s opinion piece from the same edition:
Monty. Are you saying Liz Gordon is a “stupid self opinionated lonely (and looing at her I could only imagine she is lonely) angey lying cow” for criticising people who throw bricks through windows?
Steve, I think it probably has more to do with Gordon exposing the Kiwiblog Right’s filth to the wider public, and for (rightly) associating their anti-EFA hysteria with the People Power crew.
[Captcha: TS raid – People Power’s next target?]
Classy argument there, Monty.
Katherine Rich, eh? I could give her one. I dunno what she’s saying, with the politics and the long words and that, but who cares. Get ’em off, luv, then I’ll vote for you.
Pretty hypocritical to talk about kiwiblog filth without also mention standard filth isn’t it Tane?
TDS, it’s flattering the National Party research unit has dedicated an attack troll to this site, but could you try a little harder?
In the first link Irish Bill chastised the commenter for a remark which while crude is actually an allusion to a more intelligent point.
As for your second link, I don’t see how the odd curse word in the heat of debate is out of line. It’s a robust discourse.
Now go have another look at Davey’s thread and get some perspective.
There has been an effort to raise the standard of commenting here since the earlier ‘sod post you link to and the first one includes a swear word but that’s just the name of the political tactic ‘sod is talking about.
Why Robinsod has stayed while others has left is that he contributes to debate. Even if his language choice is a bit off sometimes, that’s not the same as spam commenting and nasty bigoted attacks on individuals and groups that we were getting from a couple of others.
who do you work for TDS?
Oh no! I’m shaming the left. How can this go on???
TDS, you can find better example of my abuse than that, surely?
Tell you what bro, if you provide me with an answer to my question about how you believe wages should be raised that I am happy with we can have a wee debate about it and then I’ll take a two day self-imposed ban.
Think of it TDS, two whole days without me showing you up!
You know you want to.
TDS: Do you understand the difference between insults to an individual, and to a group?
Try this: “Gobsmacked, fuck off!” or “Faggots, fuck off!”.
If you can’t work out which is worse, and why, I can’t help you. But I suspect you know.
Tane, how you like to lie. Aren’t you every embarrassed to be taking such a role on your own blog?
Here’s a few more of Robinsod’s (that’s Mickey Porton for those who haven’t been following along) contributions to the debate
And for the record, since you continue to lie about this, I have no relationship at all with the National Party.
Again TDS, you’re having to trawl through the entire history of this blog to come up with a few slightly combative comments, none of which even come close to bigotry.
The thread over at Davey’s place is a vile cesspit of homophobia and bigotry. Again, you need to get some perspective TDS. You’re coming across as a boring and formulaic attack troll.
Jeez TDS – Is that the best you can do? I mean I would’ve thought I’d said some worse stuff than that. It doesn’t even make me look that bad when you decontextualise it. ‘Cos bro you seem to have busted me:
1. Objecting to the fact DPF critsied an MP for being lazy when he actually had cancer (oooohhhhh the filth that is the ‘Sod!)
2. Challenging someone for theior support for teh stalking of Minto (Again: oooooohhhhhhhhhh the filth, how dare he criticise stalking!)
3. Telling IP I found his streaming video porn membership. Yeah, that’s a bit naughty but it was true – I’d post the link to his listed membership but it seems to have died.
Perhaps you could try harder next time or perhaps you could comment on-thread for a change. C’mon TDS, I’ve offered you an opportunity to see me off teh standard for two days and all you have to do is make a constructive comment to do so. Is it that hard for you to do?
Oh, yeah. Sorry. I forgot. It is…
January 2008 is such distant history isn’t it Tane?
And I note that your distaste of KB doesn’t stop you posting your research unit lies over there as well.
Bigotry and homophobia seems to be amply tolerated here. Here’s another gem from Mickey from the ironically named ‘too far’ thread
So, Michele – how’s it going? Still pretending to be a chick I see? And still banging on with your homophobia and sodomy? Ah, I guess michele/mike that you have a secret desire to try it. I’ve got a new idea of you now – you’re an acned little 21 year old boy with a chip on your shoulder from all those years you were bullied, a faint smell of cheese on your breath and a predilection for masturbating to gay porn and afterwards trying to convince yourself that you really really like Pam Anderson – you may even partake in some kind of self mutilation.
I wonder how happy Teh Party is to be linked to a site that publishes such vile drivel?
[lprent: Get your facts straight – we don’t ‘publish’ comments. We allow other people to add comments to posts.]
Oh dear, it’s past clock-out time. I don’t think we’ll hear anything from TDS ’til tomorrow morning. How nice.
TDS, again, that’s weak. Michele is clearly being challenged on her homophobia. The Sod’s a lot of things and I don’t agree with the way he operates, but he’s not a homophobe. Again, you’re deliberately quoting out of context as part of your attack troll MO.
If you’ve nothing better to do than dredge through the site’s history to try and smear us that’s pretty weak. I don’t agree with every commenter here, and neither do the other authors, but you’ll never see a thread like the Barnett one over at Davey’s place tolerated here.
I’m getting kinda tired of your crap TDS. If you continue to attack troll and don’t start making a contribution like everyone else then you’ll be banned for a week.
[lprent: Get your facts straight – we don’t ‘publish’ comments. We allow other people to add comments to posts.]
Have you asked a lawyer, I’m not sure that it is so easy to escape responsibility.
Regardless, this place is clearly linked in the public’s mind with Labour, and the linked press article confirms this impression
And if it’s feral, it can also be fun — like watching Labour with its claws out. The loyalty to Clark’s government is strong at Kiwiblogblog and The Standard — no wonder that the Right made such a meal of a Standard gaffe last month. It was revealed that the blog was hosted by a server operated by Labour Party member Lynn Prentice. Coming after the blogging Left’s regular snipes at Farrar over his National links — in the early days of his blogging, Farrar was working in the offices of Bill English and Don Brash, and he has done polling work for the party since — this Labour connection was “a poor look for them”, Brown agrees. But he doesn’t regard it as a scandal.
So do you think its a good look that you tolerate (and defend) Mickey’s vile drivel?
Tane – perhaps I should start making a contribution like Robinsods – attack, abuse, lie about, and threaten anyone from the right – would that be OK?
Hey TDS, do you like, love me or something? It’s just you seem obsessed with me. Kinda like the prophet and IP before you. How about you try this bro. Sit very still, take some deep breaths and say:
“he’s just a blogger, he’s just a blogger, he’s…”
Robbo – obsessed? Nah, I try to ignore you mostly. It’s just that you are the most obvious example of the double standard that operates around here regarding offensive comments.
So, sorry, but you’ll just have to keep entertaining yourself.
I just read the article. I’m not going to have to become an independent media commentator am I? Especially as I am not one of the fine editors. Mind you I wouldn’t find frying a few journo’s.
Good thing I’m camera shy is all I can say.
It’s just that you are the most obvious example of the double standard
That’s pretty weak bro, I think it’s ‘cos I own your arse every time, in fact I think it’s ‘cos I first picked you as what you are – a national party research troll. You’re taking your job too personally…
Just out of interest bro, do you really think this line will run or are you scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of your misdirection? I’m thinking the latter. Sorry bro. You lose.
Well Mickey, if you consider repeatedly lying and being odiously insulting to be a victory, then I guess you can declare yourself a winner.
Ah TDS, I see you’ve left the office, taken the bus home, microwaved your meal for one, sat down in front of your computer… and got right back to work. You need to get some perspective bro, take it from me. There’s a lot of campaigning to go and you don’t want to burn out too soon. Y’see TDS a young party buck like yourself might think it’s all about putting the hits in as hard as you can now, but bro? You gotta be in it for the long game and I’m not sure you really are. Shame really.
Oh and is Kenny still there? If he is say hello from me…
Just in case any new reader cares to see how Mickey can ‘win’ a discussion with me, click the following link
Tane – my last link for the day to filth on this site. I think the point is well proven. Of course I expect you to disagree.
So anyway bro, you never answered my question: What does it taste like?
[Tane: Stop trolling the trolls Sod]
TDS, you’re not just a liar, you’re a moron. Check the comment directly below the one you’ve linked:
“Sod, try to settle down eh? Yes, I know Double’s a humorless attack troll but try not to bring down the tone too much.”
I sincerely hope for your own credibility that this attempt was your last.
I think my credibility is good. Mickey proves the point well with his response above.
humorless attack troll
Point well proven…